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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: All in the cards :: Cards Across (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I sometimes perform 'Cards Across' as per 'The Royal Road'. There's only one small, simple sleight involved, and I can cope with that. However, I'd love to be able to do a version similar to this:
The only thing that stops me is the bit at 1:20 where he takes two cards off the deck as though they were three. I really can't see how to do this in a convincing way. Can anyone give me any pointers please?
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You could replace the way he does the count by using a biddle steal which would look just as clean however I think the wrist action is key with the count the amazing Paul Harris is using,hope this helps Smile
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OK Thanks. I've been practicing a steal instead, and it's starting to come together. I guess I'll just look longingly at the way Paul Harris does it, and hope one day to emulate that.
Chris Westfall
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Las vegas leaper still has palming and lots of sleight of hand in the vanishing card sequence.

my favorite cards across that I use in both stand up and close up with absolutely no palming! the cards go from one spectator to another entirely in their hands.... its great!

is "LEAP OF FAITH" by Bill Malone. it can be found in ART OF ASTONISHMENT vol #1. on pg. 187