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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The little darlings :: Kids say the darndest things! (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Walla Walla
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Profile of mediamonk
I don't normally post down here, but over the Halloween weekend I performed at a trunk or treat event, over 300 kids and adults in attendance. I must have done a squared circle routine for 2 hours straight making candy appear. Anyway, at various times I would pull out a couple rubberbands and do crazy man's handcuffs. The best reaction of the day was an 8 year old kid. He watched the magic and then said "Wow, I'm going to punch myself in the face." He then proceeded to demonstrate.

Any cute, or not so cute, notable quotables you'd like to share?

"There are two ways of living life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is." -Albert Einstein
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Inner circle
Northern Nevada
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Profile of MagicSanta
Little boys are very odd.
Alan Munro
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Inner circle
Kentwood, Michigan, USA
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Profile of Alan Munro
I remember one show in which I asked a question of the audience saying, "Do you know why?" Then, a four-year-old said, "Because you said so." You knew that when his parents told him to do something, they'd say, "Because I said so."

Everyone erupted in laughter, and tears were coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard. The boy was perplexed as to why everyone was laughing. When the laughter died down, I had to say, "Where's Art Linkletter when you need him?"