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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Now that’s funny! :: comedy close up (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Vibono Magic
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Profile of Vibono Magic
Hello once again gang,

I'm trying to create a new comedy style, Close up comedy, a magic version of stand up comedy. My act is, according to those who have seen it, a bit like seeing Tommy Cooper performing close up magic.

I start by producing a large block candle from a silk, stating I have an idea. Then it's a card trick gone wrong, cards to nest of boxes (the only trouble is, the boxes are empty)

The rope routine is next followed by the cups and balls. The end production of the balls is a tomato (line: please it wasn't that bad), A lemon (line: don't get sour), a Walnut (this drives me nuts) and a light bulb (You probably have an idea how this trick is done)

I give the nut to the spectator, I only use one in the whole act, set fire to a piece of flash string which turns into a nutcracker. I give the nutcracker to him and ask him to crack a nut (yours not mine). Inside the nut is a folded playing card with one corner missing, the card from the first trick!

During the act there are a mix of really bad or funny (depending on what you like) gags and jokes lightly sprinkled with some one liners and hopefully I will have a heckler in the crowd (boy I like them).

What effects and jokes would you use in a context like this?

Jonas Karlsson
Vibono Magic

Vibono Mirage
Magic entertainer and Balloon artist
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Profile of NJJ
Check out "Ring Trap"--a ring appears on a mousetrap!
Peter Marucci
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Profile of Peter Marucci
Or you might want to check out my lecture notes, Peter's Patter, and Funny Business.
The routines and patter in them are ALL comedy close-up!
E-mail me and I can send you a flyer by return e-mail.
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Harris Deutsch
8815 Posts

Profile of harris
I love comedy and close up.

I feel I can really connect with my audience.

I even got a new bright colored close up mat to match my nearly normal tie.

Harris Deutsch aka dr laugh
music, magic and marvelous toys
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Profile of ludmer
sponge balls have a great space for comedy.. actually comedy close up magic. Smile
I trust jewish magicians and bagels