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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Hypercube Video (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Cyberqat
Okay, I have a little demo video up (finally) of the Hypercube.

The lighting isn't great, so until I do a better one, please trust me that I'm not using the lighting to hide anything. This can be done under full stage lighting, just as I'm demoing it.

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Michael J. Douglas
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Interesting, I like how it cleans up at the end.
Michael J.
�Believe then, if you please, that I can do strange things.� --from Shakespeare�s �As You Like It�
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Profile of Cyberqat
I'm a bug on clean endings.

Used as a vanish box, it's not *quite* as clean at the end. Imagine reversing the starting handling and the ending handling, and that's the vanish. Used for a production followed by a vanish, the end would be a straight reverse of the starting handling.

Something I didn't show because I'm not really set up for it is that, when in the "4th dimensional" configuration just before the load starts coming out, the cube and the table can be 360 degree rotated again.
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Bill Hegbli
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
I can only assume you are offering this box for sale. I must say it is a very large box for the items that you removed. The method was invented back in the 1940's or 50's and is not new by any means. The main fault with this type of gimmick is that it has angles, as other things do like the Temple Screen.

I do like your fold method, but you should work on your handling of moving the load into place.

Additionally, some kind of design should be on the box to create interest, and draw the audience as to what it might be. This will help hold interest.

Do not say, "I will show you in a minute." Many people will tune out at that statement, and you have lost your audience.

What is all the black square on the box? It was very distracting. I found myself wondering this more than what you were saying.

If you are going to have a box this large, then something that large or a quantity that looks like it would equal that size should be produced.

Dropping things on the floor is poor showmanship. You should have a dump box or put them back in the other table. Leaning over and hiding behind the stand table was also poor. You should have had it on the other table top, or at least on the upper shelf of the table, where it was easy to access.

These are just my observations of your presentation. I am offering as constructive advice.

Thanks for video. It was interesting, and there has not been much new looking stage equipment in a long time.
Michael J. Douglas
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On 2010-08-29 00:01, Cyberqat wrote:
Something I didn't show because I'm not really set up for it is that, when in the "4th dimensional" configuration just before the load starts coming out, the cube and the table can be 360 degree rotated again.

I think this would be overkill.

Also, I assume you mentioned things not coming from the table because it was a black art table and you knew other magicians would be watching. However, this doesn't need to be said because the scarf you added negates that idea. In future performances, if you hadn't already thought so, I would have a flat table w/tablecloth and simply raise the front of the tablecloth to show there was nothing there. Just a thought....
Michael J.
�Believe then, if you please, that I can do strange things.� --from Shakespeare�s �As You Like It�
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Profile of Chance
I agree with everything else being said so far.

What struck me was how the later (empty) handling was so much lighter from the earlier (loaded) handling. Like night and day.
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Profile of ClintonMagus
I really like your idea for this. I know this was just a promised demo for those of us on the Café who have been following your progress, so I'm not so worried about the finish or the presentation.

My suggestions:

1. I would like to see the apparatus made of something like aluminum, to make it lighter and thinner.
2. The cube should "snap" together as it is opened, to make the handling cleaner.
3. Set up the load so there is no fumbling and no uncertainty when you begin the production.

I really think you might be onto something, so keep up the good work!
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Profile of Cyberqat
Thanks for all the feedback guys and, yes, I'm not at the point of selling this yet. If I were, I would've had contact info on it. Smile

As CM says, this was just a quick video demo 'cause I promised one after I posted the earlier stills, and I get great feedback from you folks. I knew that variations on this idea had been around for awhile. As someone once observed, it's pretty rare we see a new concept in magic. Most of what we see are refinements and variations. I didn't know whether the folding had been done before with this kind of load mechanism. If that combination of ideas is new, I'm happy. Smile

I'm going to have to digest all your input. The "explanation" of the cloth was an alibi... if you know the method, then you know why the cloth is necessary. Part of the issue in my own performance is that that is my traveling table, and I have other things I do where I do need access to the wells, so I can't drape it until after them.

Do you think the alibi, though, calls unnecessary heat to it, and I should just not explain it?

I think probably the "heaviness" of the opening handling is as much my angle nervousness as anything else. Hopefully, with more practice, I can make it smoother.

I agree that a construction that was of lighter materials and snapped into the cube shape would make handling significantly easier. It would also make the load move much simpler and smoother because it would slide against the table without any assistance. (The wood catches on the cloth if I'm not careful.)

Unfortunately, all I have the tools for or any experience with at all is wood. I wonder if I took the prototype to a machine shop, could they create a metal version for me?

As far as load, I'm still playing with how much I can get away with before the angles become a real issue..
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Bill Hegbli
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Eternal Order
Fort Wayne, Indiana
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Profile of Bill Hegbli
If I were you, I would just grab the cloth and place it on the table. I believe the audience would realize why you are doing this. This allows you to sharpen your patter story. Being you call this the Hypercube, I would make up some story to introduce the Hypercube. Make it sound scientific if you wish, or you could build it around being Hyper. Don't know, have not thought a lot about it.

It drags because you have 2 rough surfaces against each other. You need at least one surface to be smooth so it will glide. But, I think it can be overcome with a heavier weight material.

You do not have to have machine shop make it. All you have to do is go to the hardware store and buy their sheet of aluminum they have on sale. This can be cut with a bench saw with an abrasive blade. They sell 2 thicknesses, and I would use the heavier sheets.

I don't know your hinge method, as I did not see any hinges, but with sheet metal, you can use tape to keep the thickness thin.

Anyway, nice job, keep up the good work.
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Profile of Cyberqat
Thanks, Bill! It's currently using elastic for hinges because the outer one has to stretch out in the wooden construction to fold over the inner one. With a thin material, though, I can probably get away with cloth or tape.

I'll ask my local hardware store to point me to the sheet aluminum and the right blades to cut it.

When I have that version figured out, I'll post another video for suggestions.

Thanks, all!
It is always darkest just before you are eaten by a grue.