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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The Good News! :: Online Christian Magic Magazine (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Oviedo, FL
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Profile of johncrosby
Does anybody know of or is anybody considering an online version of a Christian Magic Magazine. I think it would go over well but I am not good at putting things together, I am great at ideas, but lack the ability to see things through to fruition.

John Smile
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Profile of BroDavid
Sounds like a great idea John!

If anyone knows of one. Let us know.

If not, then let's toss out some ideas and put one together, eh?

What should it be like. What must it do? What must it NOT do? How often should it "publish"? Should it have video and audio? How would it be funded? For Profit, or Not for Profit?

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Owen Wilder
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Profile of owenwildboy
I think if this magazine was full of useful ideas, for Gospel Magic, I would pay a subscription.

Just a thought

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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Thanks for the encouragement Owen.

What else do tohers think it should have?

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Profile of Maynooth
I think it sounds great. I would be happy to pass what few ideas I have on routines for publication. Mind you that's not a great impetus.

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Owen Wilder
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Profile of owenwildboy
I find I am constantly trying to get the message across in a way that is relevant to this generation. I find teenagers especially hard and feel that the message as well as the performance needs to be completly re-worked. Some Christian magic is only suitable for people who are churched already. Areas I would love to see in a magazine would be fresh messages and relevant presentations aimed at those people who, when approached would just find traditional magic cheesy (excuse the phrase!) and out dated!!.

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm knocking the way things are done, but it is just where I am at in-terms of finding my own style, when it comes to getting te message across.

When working in youth clubs and after school clubs the traditional stuff just doesn't work with its original presentation. I would love to have access to more fresh ideas.

I hope some of this helps.

Good luck

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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Yes, Owen. I know what you mean.

I work with a lot of younger folks, and frankly it can be a real challenge to get their attention and have them relate to what you have to say.

I do a series of effects, one with a packet of cards, one with a deck of cards, and one with a chain and lock (siberian escape).

I start the routine by declaring that I will explain three characteristics of God:

Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omnicience!

And before I do anything, I start asking what the kids think those things mean. Then we dialogue and cover some pretty interesting ground, from whether or not hey even believe in God, to whether they believe He really is all that. Then I show my illustrations - the packet trick shows he's everywhere - omniprescence, the card trick shows him to be all knowing -Omnicience, and the chain escape show all powerful - Omnipotence. And we talk some more about the characteristics of God, and what they believe.

It isn't traditional Gospel Magic by any means, but it reaches the young people.

I don't try to tell them anything, until they have told me something. The dialogue - listening to what they think, earns you the opportunity to tell them what you think. But you better serve it with some lively spice. Make them think, and listen, and then talk, and it wont hurt if they are entertained a bit too! I do a lot of fire, and other "fun things" and have no problems talking to the younger crowd. They come to me becuase I am "real" and not afraid to have some fun, and I listen when they talk.

Certainly, if such a publication existed, and if I were to contribute to such a publication, I would not provide a standard traditional perspective Smile

But then I am more than just a little unconventional Smile

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Owen Wilder
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Profile of owenwildboy
Bro David,

A deep message,but I like it a lot. It would be great to learn more of this kind of thing.
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Oviedo, FL
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Profile of johncrosby
I am planning on getting my thoughts together and also looking for the time to do it, but I will be putting together a website devoted mostly to Gospel Magic discussions and effects. I hope to get material from others to make this a success. If it all works out, I should be up and running by the end of the summer, (I am so busy at my normal job that I have very little time to devote to this right now) so if anybody has anything they would like to see, please let me know. You can e-mail me at or respond to this post. Thanks for the encouragement from everybody so far.

John Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Ok folks, here is the first word on the subject.

There WILL be a subscription based onLine Christian Magician Magazine with a Preview Issue set to debut at the FCM in Indiana in July.

That is; If God Wills! And everything else I say here is in that same context - If God Wills!

The magazine will have a variety of regular columns and a number of different articles each month. One prominent Christian Magician will be featured on each cover.

There will also be a separate subscription publication, a hard copy print sister version of The Christian Magician Magazine, and it will contain a CD with Audio and Video Content from the OnLine version.

We are working on the layout for the web site and will open the site as soon as the graphics and layout are finalized.

We are looking for articles, regular columns, other suggestions, advertisers, and prayer.

If you wish to offer any of the above, or anything else that God Leads to offer, contact me; or at teh Magazine

Also BTW, I have previously spoken with John Crosby whose original post inspired this effort, and John is very supportive.

Anyone else want to be a part of this, let me know.

Hey Maynooth - I am going to be looking for an article from you........


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Oviedo, FL
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Profile of johncrosby

As BroDavid stated, I support him 500% and I am excited about the swiftness as this has unfolded. I know it will be something we can all appreciate. I will also offer periodic messages from myself as well as I will be working on getting others in the world of Christian Magic to support this as well. I look forward to seeing this come to fruition.

BroDavid, as I stated to you privately, YOU ARE AWSOME.

John Smile Smile
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Profile of Maynooth
Sounds great can't wait to see it.
Okay BroDavid I'll make an effort to put my ketboard where my mouth is and try to write up some of my ideas.
Maynooth Smile
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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Thanks John for you support and Very kind words. And thanks to you also Maynooth for following up.

This could be a great time for a lot of us to collect those ideas and tips and routines that God has Blessed us to use, but we have never written them down, to put hem in a form to share with others through this medium.

I am going to start a new thread to annouce the Magazine oficially and keep the specifics of it updated.

Thanks to all here, and those who have emailed me about support. Wait until you see what God is doing with this thing!!!! I am really excited to be able watch it unfold, and to have a small hand in it.

But it needs more than just me. It needs God, and it needs you! Pray about it. And if you feel led to support the Magazine in any way, let me know.

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Profile of John
Do you have a name for the magazine? Any word on its progress now that July is getting closer?
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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Sure do. See my other posts in this forum.

The Christian Magician Magazine. We are still trying to get the artwork for the web site and preview issue tweaked. But there is some progress.

We already have our first Magician for the Cover and it IS NOT ME! (applasue can be heard form the rafters...) And if Satan will slack up a bit, and quit throwing obstacle out there, it will move along faster from here. But it is in the hands of God!

God Bless!

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Steven the Amusing
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I tried sending a message to yesterday (using the link from the site) and it bounced. [I was volunteering my Redeeming King routine for publication].
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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Outstanding Steven!

I have repaired the email addrsses and will be pleased to receive your routine for publication.

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.