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Super Charged Classics Set List 1 by Mark James
DVD, Tableside magic
Distributed by our friends at Murphy’s Magical Supplies

Super Charged Classics Set List 1 by Mark James was produced by RSVP Magic in the UK and true to form they did an outstanding job on the production both visually and sound. The only issue I can think of is there is an odd sound to the music between effects, static, that went away when Mark came on. It existed on Set List 2 as well so I don’t know if it is suppose to be there or not, modern music ya know. The DVD is your standard format of performance, with a lively group of ladies in a restaurant, and then explanation. Mark does an excellent and thorough job with his explanations and I liked his delivery and personality very much. While not everything out of the UK is great I have come to expect top line products from a couple of the producers there, RSVP being one.

The magic is from the working set done by Mr. James and he does a very nice job in presenting the effects and the idea is you are seeing the three effect set done for an average first time customer. This is the type of magic that does work in table working and some of Marks jokes are very funny. He also is a much better magician than I think he realizes or even strives to be. As said before the explanations are clear and precise with bits of helpful information tossed into the mix. You get three main effects plus two bonus effects, let’s look at ‘em.

Turbo Cup is a chop cup opener and I fully agree with Mark in that you should never open with a card effect, unless the customers are returns and know you as a magician. This is a very solid routine, easy to do, and the practice will be needed in the patter because of the fact you are doing one thing while saying another. I love chop cups, solid opener.

Thought of Card Under Glass. This is similar, or part of, the think a card routine on set list 2 but well worth learning for the sleights involved. This can kill with the right audience and since this is a separate set than the second as a stand alone it fits in well with the set.

Omni-Bitious is an ambitious card routine on steroids. Pocket management is, as always, needed but this is carried out further than most ambitious cards, I love the ending. There is a sleight used that I never have seen before and I really liked it and am working it into my routine.

Bonus effects:
Invisible Deck. Pretty standard handling of an excellent yet too often ignored routine.

Chicago Quadopener. I love the Chicago Opener and this is a stand alone routine in itself. It has the great components of the original but with additions that make it a really great routine with a killer ending that punctuates the entire thing. This will take some work to get down right but well worth it.

I have to say I’m very impressed with Mr. James. His magic is outstanding, he is engaging and funny, and I can see why he is a successful performer. This is the type of magic you’ll be doing if you do close up magic for people. Well done by all, look for set 2 as well, together you’ll have a great start in the restaurant magic business. Tip o’ the hat for RSVP for bring out quality product and Murphys for bringing it to us.