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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Set List 2 Super Charged Classics by Mark James (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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DVD: Set List 2 Super Charged Classics by Mark James
Table magic
Distributed by Murphys Magical Supplies

You can’t judge a DVD by its cover I guess. The title on this DVD is brightly colored and for some reason every time I got ready to watch it I’d find something else to do. I then, in the dark, decided to grab a DVD and whatever it was go through it. Let me tell you, I’m certainly glad I did. The DVD is Set List 2 Super Charged Classics, which I thought would just be Mark James version of standard effects, I was wrong. What you get is a set of magic as done by Mark when he is working a restaurant, a restaurant that has the cutest spectator in magic history in it. Mark shows his opener, middle, and closer performing each for real people and then explaining the effects. He inserts his thoughts on subjects such as approaching and leaving a table, tips, and dealing with the staff. You get three main routines and three bonus effects. The difference between this DVD and those with 40 effects is of those 40 your might find two that you’ll perform, on this DVD all of the pieces are performable. Two of the six routines are not cards, one is a sponge ball routine and the other a torn and restoration of a candy packet.
First let’s look at the production value. It is made by RSVP Magic who I’ve found does an excellent job in both shooting and sound of DVDs and also do a nice job editing. There is no production problems that I noted and if I was going to suggest one thing that would be to take the first young lady who helped Mark and put out a DVD just of her walking around a garden and talking, I’d watch it. So hats off for the production. Now let’s look at Mark. The first thing is he is an excellent magician and constantly fooled me even though I knew what he was doing. His skills are top notch and he is a comfortable and confident performer who understand both the material and who he is performing for. His delivery in both performance and explanation is clear, complete, and he makes an effort to give credits where needed. He has a pleasant accent and good sense of humor…..I liked him right off.
The material consist of a thought of card to pocket. His handling is really good and there are some moves in there I’ll be working on. Basically the specs card is found multiple times in the magicians pocket. Next comes a multiple selection which was straight forward and worked out well. Again some interesting sleights are used. Lastly is a sponge ball routine that is fairly routine but better thought out than most for table work. I love sponge ball magic and enjoyed this routine quite a bit. The bonus material is a glass production of a drink that was on the table, this is the least likely to be done effect on the DVD. There is a neat torn and restored skittle packet trick made stronger by the spectator naming, by coincidence, that skittles were his favorite candy. Last comes a card stab that requires no stabbing and a special card available in many magic shop. Pretty neat trick.
Overall this is a really good set of magic with some additional suggestions by Mark on different aspects of the job. I liked both Mark and the material and have no qualms about recommending this product. Very well done.
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Inner circle
Northern Nevada
5841 Posts

Profile of MagicSanta
Forgive lack of paragraphs, they didn't transfer from my word to here correctly.
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Profile of Xcath1
Totally agree I love these DVDs