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Profile of teachersears
Hey all,

There may be an intro section that someone could point me to, which would be fine, but my question is what is gospel magic, how does it work.

My background: I've done magic for a long time, but just recently started performing. I have a busking show that I started taking to the streets this summer. I'm putting together an indoor show ~ 30 minutes stand up, already have a volunteer gig set up through church for some foster kids. So without sounding like I just want to be able to add a gospel show to eventually get more bookings, which isn't that far from the truth, what does your gospel show add to a standard magic show. Is it aimed at believers or nonbelivers? I can't quite get my brain around it. Thanks.
Kif Anderson
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My act is Oz and Wilde and most all of our routines are gospel/Bible verse centered. But that doesn't work for all. Some do a basic magic show and at the end do an effect that shares the gospel...and that method is okay too. It is whatever fits yoru style for the latter, Andre Kole's 3 Ball Trick is quite effective.

We generally end with prayer...and have a modified coloring book effect (okay purists it would be a modified stamp album effect) where one side say's My Life and the other side is Lamb's Book of Life...which leads very smoothly into the prayer/invitation.
We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing. - Billy Graham
<BR>Sharing the gospel with Comedy & Illusion
Terry Owens
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Oz and Wilde is a very good example of how to effectively minister with their type of program.

Let me share with you, adding a Gospel aspect to a show just to get more bookings is the wrong way of approaching it. If that is really your motive, then I would continue doing secular shows. If you're wanting more shows there are various resources out there that can teach you how to develop your business.

I think those who do "Gospel Magic" should be called to do it, just as an Evangelist is called to preach the Gospel. Because in essence that is what you do. You preach the Gospel but using a different method of explaining it.

If you just want to entertain church groups, like the Foster care group, you really don't have to do a Gospel element, just make sure it's very clean and respectable.

I don't know where you're relationship is with the Lord, but having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the first element of being able to do Gospel magic...if you don't know Him, you can't effectively communicate about Him. If you are a Christian and really want to get into Gospel magic, then hang around here, consider joining the Fellowship of Christian Magicians, the magazine is a great resource for those who want ideas.
Donald Dunphy
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Performing a regular ("for-fun") magic show includes skills of communication, showmanship, sleight of hand, etc. Those all involve lots of practice.

If you are doing gospel magic instead of for-fun magic, you'll also need the spiritual gifts of either evangelism or teaching.

Do you tend to do any of those now, without it being in the context of a show?

I believe that most gospel magic (illusion) shows take the approach of either an evangelist or a teacher. Either you are reaching out for lost souls, or you are reinforcing spiritual truths and helping the body to grow and mature.

Personally, I did for-fun magic for several years at first, because I wanted the magic to be good, before I started to add a message.

- Donald
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
Dan Bernier
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Terry and Donald,

Great advice!

I believe it's important that one be called to evangelize before getting into Gospel Magic. Gospel Magic is unique in the way that it is used as a tool to evangelize, or teach the basic princepals of christianity with the intent to plant seeds.

I know of some great Christians who perform clean and fun magic, but don't perform Gospel Magic per-say. But, when performing Gospel Magic the first priority should be bringing people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. We can't convert people, but we can show them the way.

When it comes to the message, I believe the seriousness of it should not be watered down, or made light of. Gospel Magic can be a fun way to get to the seriousness of God's truth, but the performer should first be an evangelist and a performer second.

Christians who enjoy magic, and especially enjoy performing magic don't neccessarily need to become Gospel Magicians to be good stewards, or witnessess for Jesus Christ. When one is contemplating about getting into Gospel Magic, they should be motivated by the urge, and calling to evangelize, and not as an excuse to perform magic.
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Dan Bernier
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On 2010-06-05 17:14, teachersears wrote:
Is it aimed at believers or nonbelivers? I can't quite get my brain around it. Thanks.

When evangelizing, your aim should be towards non-believers. There are may ways to go about that.

You can perform GM in a church setting for events such as VBS, or other outreach events the church may be hosting, or sponsoring.

I recently perfomed and evangelized for a church's year end youth rally. I asked, and was informed that some of the children and youth who come to the year end youth rallies are non-christians. The rally consists of several different events, and the christian children are encouraged to bring their non-christian friends along.These are the kind of events I like to perform at.

I will also occasionally present a Gospel trick in church which leads me into speaking and teaching about a biblical princaple aimed at assisting and encouraging young christians to grow in the Lord.

You can also perform GM and evangelize on the streets as well. I use close-up magic when I evangelize on the streets.

Something that I have learned, and maybe it only relates to me but, God doesn't call us be Gospel Magicians. He calls us to evangelize, amongst other things. As christians we are encouraged to use our gifts and our talents for the Lord.
"If you're going to walk in the rain, don't complain about getting wet!"
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Thanks all for the explanation. Sorry about my getting more bookings crack, I was being a bit facetious. What you all have said gives me plenty to think about. My initial thought was that each trick needed to illustrate some truth, and that kind of show didn't seem to fit with my personality. I see that there's lots of ways integrate my faith into my magic. I think I may be a do or donate good gm shows at good events guy. With at most a quick message at the end. I'm a pretty good teacher, not a great evangelist (in regard to groups of people) and an ok magician. Thanks again. I will stop in here occasionally.
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Please make sure you check out:
to see some great examples of how a gospel magic routine could look.

I have performed entire evangelistic programs where all of the effects, routines and other elements all tied together to bring everyone to a point of decision.

Also, being a children's pastor, I use it to enforce Biblical principals that we might be learning about.

I have also closed my "public" shows (when there is no objection) with a simple effect that will simply help me to convey my faith in Jesus Christ... even though I may not calling people to a point of decision.
Jamie Doyle
International President - Fellowship of Christian Magicians
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Harris Deutsch
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Humor on line is a great and hard thing to notice.

My humor at times doesn't come through between the lines.

As a fisher of men, I use many things in our urban ministry.

Moments like when I noticed a young man drinking of the liquid spirits. No show, no tricks, no harmonica...just him and I talking....

Some folks shows may be in the area of encouragement. There are lots of God's gifts to share.

I am convicted to remember the old joke I used to share...I thought about getting into the ministry...I always wanted to have more t.v. time...

Be safe, well and blessed....

In His Name...

sharing with an "audience of one"
Harris Deutsch aka dr laugh
music, magic and marvelous toys
Donald Dunphy
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On 2010-06-07 16:13, teachersears wrote:
My initial thought was that each trick needed to illustrate some truth, and that kind of show didn't seem to fit with my personality. I see that there's lots of ways integrate my faith into my magic. I think I may be a do or donate good gm shows at good events guy. With at most a quick message at the end.

There are a few styles for gospel magic:

* Do a message to every trick in the show.

* Do for-fun tricks to start with, and then progress to message tricks in the latter half of the show. Build rapport first.

* Do a 100% for-fun show, and then include a message at the end of your show.

* For individual tricks, do a trick with the message fully integrated.

* For individual tricks, do a trick, and then tack on the message at the end of the trick.

* Don't do any message at all, and just do an excellent performance. Let people approach you, and witness one on one after building a friendship. Work from a standpoint of lifestyle evangelism.

These are just a few off of the top of my head.

- Donald
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of jamiedoyle
Mr Dunphy,

That's a great list! I'm going to steal... Oops, I mean "Borrow" it from you when I converse with others about various show formats and programming.

Jamie Doyle
International President - Fellowship of Christian Magicians