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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Looking for High Quality Chinese linking rings with lock system (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Harry Murphy
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I had and just sold an Owen 12" locking key ring. Like Pete I could open it with one hand but not close it one handed. Furthermore, when locked closed the seam was obvious if it was handed out (I'd never hand it out). I was used for a chain that used two keys. One locked closed and the other hidden in the standard way. I worked in the routine. At the point it was introduced and used it was not handed out.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
Larry Barnowsky
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I have the Owen 12 inch locking key. I can open it easily with one hand. I can also close it with one hand most of the time. The problem is not having sufficient strength but more maintaining the grip on the ring. I find the ring which is very smooth slips between my fingers. If my hand and ring are perfectly dry, a one hand closing is not hard. But in all practicality, a one hand closing cannot be done reliably. Currently I don't use the locking key in the current 6 ring routine found in my latest book and DVD.

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I goota say, Joe Porper's looks really nice. A bit out of my price range right now though.
Dick Oslund
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Karrell Fox gave me his 3 ring routine in the early '70s. I've used it since 1978. At the start of the routine, the girl (audience assistant) holds all the rings and I have her look at them.

I've now been retired for a few years, but I would estimate those rings have seen in the neighborhood of 9000 audiences. I have never had the girl see anything! I use the rings for adults, colleges, high schools, and elementary schools. It's simply a matter of audience management.

DANTE used the "standard 8". As he finished the routine, he would tell tha audience that "...up in Chicago, there is a store that sells these rings. Across the street, is a store that sells violins.
--you need to learn how to play!"

The rings I use, came from India (yes). They are beginning to show some wear. --but, they're still very usable. When Karrell died, I inherited his rings. Maybe I should start using my backups!

I'm sure that what I'm about to say has happened to other experienced magicians. I was behind the counter at Magic Inc. one Saturday (about 30 years ago) and a young lad asked to see the Ed Drane "parlor size" rings. I showed him a few very basic moves. A boy standing nearby said, "I have a set of those at home, but mine don't work like that!"

With any trick that requires skill: THE PERFORMER IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PROP!!!

If Karrell had not given me his routine, I would most definitely be using WHIT HAYDN'S FOUR RING ROUTINE. I have his original hand written MS, which Hersy Basham gave me years ago. I've only seen it done once (in person) by 'Brother Paul' (the guy who is selling the "STUPID BEAN TRICK")at a Renaissance Fair. One performance by 'Brother Paul' definitely convinced me!

I haven't seen Joe Porper's key, but everything else that I've seen of his (courtesy of Rainboguy)is "magic jewelry".
Bill Hegbli
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Maybe Aftereight can clarify, but I believe he is saying, when the 2 rings are handed to the spectator, he wants them to handle the 2 rings as well. I take that from his comment when he mentioned Whit's routine above. I don't believe any locking system allow the rings to be banged against each other.

Looks like we have 3 members asking different questions, instead of starting their own threads. This is getting confusing as to which question is being referred to in the helping answers.
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On 2013-02-16 07:55, Dick Oslund wrote:
Karrell Fox gave me his 3 ring routine in the early '70s. I've used it since 1978. At the start of the routine, the girl (audience assistant) holds all the rings and I have her look at them.

I've now been retired for a few years, but I would estimate those rings have seen in the neighborhood of 9000 audiences. I have never had the girl see anything! I use the rings for adults, colleges, high schools, and elementary schools. It's simply a matter of audience management.

DANTE used the "standard 8". As he finished the routine, he would tell tha audience that "...up in Chicago, there is a store that sells these rings. Across the street, is a store that sells violins.
--you need to learn how to play!"

The rings I use, came from India (yes). They are beginning to show some wear. --but, they're still very usable. When Karrell died, I inherited his rings. Maybe I should start using my backups!

I'm sure that what I'm about to say has happened to other experienced magicians. I was behind the counter at Magic Inc. one Saturday (about 30 years ago) and a young lad asked to see the Ed Drane "parlor size" rings. I showed him a few very basic moves. A boy standing nearby said, "I have a set of those at home, but mine don't work like that!"

With any trick that requires skill: THE PERFORMER IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PROP!!!

If Karrell had not given me his routine, I would most definitely be using WHIT HAYDN'S FOUR RING ROUTINE. I have his original hand written MS, which Hersy Basham gave me years ago. I've only seen it done once (in person) by 'Brother Paul' (the guy who is selling the "STUPID BEAN TRICK")at a Renaissance Fair. One performance by 'Brother Paul' definitely convinced me!

I haven't seen Joe Porper's key, but everything else that I've seen of his (courtesy of Rainboguy)is "magic jewelry".

AMEN, Dick!!!

Personally, I get a "charge" out of doing the Linking Rings 'cause everyone has seen the trick but FEW have been totally mystified and amazed when they see a stellar performance....

It's THE PERFORMER who brings magic, mystery and the thrill of total wonderment to the audience, NOT the prop!
Pete Biro
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Dick O... Jade was working behind the counter at a shop in San Francisco, a couple of guys came in and asked if they had the ring trick. She did her routine, and the guy said, "No, that's not the one, I want one like the guy at Fisherman's Wharf has, with the ring that has a slit in it." Smile Smile

Go to and look for Porper demonstrating his locking key. The voice in background is R. Paul Wilson. I shot the video with my Flip camera.
Dick Oslund
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Thanks Pete! I just watched Joe Porper demoing his locking key. In words of one syllable: W O W !