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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Steven Youell's Palming By Design - a review (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of fmpilot
I just finished watching Steven Youell’s latest release, “Palming By Design”. What follows is my review of what this DVD is and what it is not.

For those of you who are familiar with Steven’s instructional products—his notes as well as his videos—you will find much of the same here. For those of you who are not, you need to know this about Steven Youell’s communication style: He is a no-nonsense instructor who does not indulge in flash or frills. To say his instruction is thorough and in-depth is an understatement. Steven has dissected his palming moves with surgical precision and amply demonstrates his gift for explaining the details that others may not even notice or consider important.

The physical product is not the “classic” DVD that many will be used to. It is a DVD-R with browser-based navigation that points you to various mp4 videos. The production quality is as good as you can expect for a homemade recording. The videos are perfectly clear in native resolution but if viewed in full screen on a large monitor, some mild grain in the video can be detected. QuickTime or any other media player that can handle mp4 will be all you need to navigate the material.

One aspect that I especially like is the ability to easily copy and archive the videos onto my computer for faster access. Steven gives the purchaser his permission to do so.

Steven teaches 3 main moves on the DVD: The Twist Palm, The Multiple Cover Palm, and Ron Bauer’s Riffle Action Palm. This DVD is primarily for learning the moves, but Steven devotes equal attention to detail in the instruction for the 3 routines he includes to hone your skills. As an added bonus, Steven also tips his deceptive methods for pocket loading.

I think the most valuable information on the DVD is the introduction. It is here where Steven presents his thoughts on different palming styles, their history and the importance of considering hand size. Keep in mind that focusing on hand size is not used to discourage the pursuit of palming mastery, but to encourage individual performers to experiment with different techniques and use what works for them. He even includes card templates that can be used to illustrate his point.

While instructing, Steven makes use of a phenolic, clear deck that enables him to illustrate the moves he is explaining form angles that would not otherwise be possible. I find this particularly useful, as I prefer to be given as much detail as possible, which allows me to decide what works best for me.

For $40, this DVD is worth every penny. If you are new to palming, and are willing to put in the time, I think this DVD is a must have. Its building block approach and detail is just what a serious student of card magic would want.

If you are pro, chances are you don’t know how to do at least one of the 3 palms he teaches on this disk and they are wicked deceptive and would be practical in walk around and table settings.

You can't lose with this one, folks.

"You can observe a lot by just watching."
- Yogi Berra
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Profile of andyvan3226
Great DVD. I've been practicing material from it continuously since I saw it three days ago.

I really appreciated the choice of material. I couldn't have been more excited about the Ron Bauer Riffle Action Palm section. Lots of little finesses and philosophy behind what makes this palm such a beauty.

The Twist Palm is addictively fun to practice. It's also a clever exercise in motivating a move to make it truly invisible. Well done, Steven!

Truth told, I thought _all_ of the material on the DVD was absolutely excellent - both in it's inherent quality and in it's clear, concise instruction. I feel like I've been "let in" on some rather clever and useful "work" and my confidence and enjoyment of the art have taken a step forward as a result.

I'm excited to see what Steven puts out next.
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Profile of Xcath1
I payed for this DVD with a subscription to Steven's Web site in 1/09. I have not recieved a DVD or response to any communications from Steven despite mutliple attempts by e-mail and PM. If anyone has any connections with him it would be appreciated. Thanks
Review King
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Profile of Review King
On 2010-06-11 01:35, Xcath1 wrote:
I payed for this DVD with a subscription to Steven's Web site in 1/09. I have not recieved a DVD or response to any communications from Steven despite mutliple attempts by e-mail and PM. If anyone has any connections with him it would be appreciated. Thanks

He's always anwered me right away:

also check your spam filter.

"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Profile of Kamal
Sounds great - added to my wishlist.