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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Sudden Impact by Cameron Francis (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Hey, guys! Dave Forrest recently shared an EXCELLENT idea for this that I wish I had thought of. Cut the flap on either side so that it folds down a little more. Maybe 1/2 an inch. This way, when you bend the flap down, you can see a lot more of the card. Makes the change more visual and startling.

Great idea by Dave!
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Profile of RNK
I really like this DVD and concept. A lot of nice visual magic here. Only thing- starting to get hard to get the Rider Back cases for Bikes. I don't understand why they are becoming more scarce. Anybody? Also, anybody know where the Rider Backs are readily avaliable? If you are thinking about getting this- don't- just get it! You won't be disappointed. Just have to be able to find Rider Back Bikes. Actually- will the Tally-Ho Style cases work? I can't remember what they look like?

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Olympic Adam
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Profile of Olympic Adam
RNK do you just mean the old style cases as opposed to the actual rider back bikes?

For me this isn't an issue, could elaborate more on why but would be verging close to almost mentioning something that is close to a method.

When I have performed this, the specs don't see anything I don't want them to, they don't see the entire card case until after the effect (why would they want to see it before, they don't know what you are going to do), For me, the issue you are talking about could be bright pink and still nobody would see it.

Really nice effect, great thing to be able to do, regardless of the effects provided. Some of them are lovely but you can come up with your own stuff easily.
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Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
I don't care about the back design. The reason is because the "thing" is never seen anyway. It's always covered. In fact, I use the red one with a blue deck sometimes. That's all I can say without exposing.

In regards to the box design, they are no longer making the old style boxes anymore.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
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Profile of RNK
I see what you guys mean- after thinking about it- never was anything suspected by the spec in the first place regarding the thing. And the thing can be easily removed if you had to- so - those of you who don't have this- your missing out on a "wonderful" utility device that creates some very visual magic!

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Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
RNK, forgot to mention that there is a "clean up" I show on the dvd if you want to hand the box. No need to palm anything away. It's super simple. I do the clean up when I do this for magicians. But I don't bother when I do it for lay people. They never seem to care about the box.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
Olympic Adam
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Profile of Olympic Adam
Agree with Cameron there, I clean it up and they don't see it before that. Reminds me of how people think of a TT, if it's used properly they wont see it and people won't suspect it either.
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Profile of danielap
Come on ! the move at 0.39 is too obvious
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
It's a Paul Harris move and has NOTHING to do with the main effect which is the change inside the card case. BTW, that move works on lay people...
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
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Profile of Blindside785
I'm on a Cameron Francis craze right now. S.I. is on my list now.
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Profile of KyleMacNeill
That move DOES work all the time, and it is described in the Altman Manouever by Jeff Altman in Art of Astonishment 3.
Great move and works perfectly for a force.

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Profile of mayniac
Yep I use that move as my Go-To Impromptu card transposition. In the excitement of the effect, for a real audience, the move is completely missed.