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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Guy Hollingworth London Collection Review (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Name:London Collection by Guy Hollingworth 1996

Performer:Guy Hollingworth

£ 19.23 (Online Ordering Price With 10% off) & a flat fee of $3 (within UK)

Or $5 (outside UK) for shipping and handling on
all orders.
RRP £21.37

Publisher: Rivendell and Anthony Davis Production

Length:100min English Language available in NTSC and PAL

Difficulty Overall:

Out of 10:8



This tape, filmed in black and white, features a journey around the magnificent city of London at night and contains seven of Guy's favorite card routines.

The format is unusual to that of L&L and A1, the style is 'all' the effects are performed then he teaches them all at the end of the tape i.e. its not effect, explanation, effect ,explanation etc...
The effects are all performed in nice locations in London, most will recognize the back drop of Trafalgar Square (where he performs Ambidextrous Interchange) this adds to the dimension of the video rather than some guys basement with a curtain for
a backdrop. We see all the effects done in outside locations where it appears to be absolutely freezing.
When Guy Returns home and puts the Kettle on he proceeds to divulge all of his incredible secret.

The explanations of the effects are done in various location in his "rather nice house" so the backdrop always changes. You feel privileged to be in his home and have direction form a true master of our art.
Okay onto the effects.

Waving the Aces

Performance: In a Subway in London I believe. He must have filmed this at some unusual hour in the morning as no-one walks past during the effect itself. This was a great effect to start the tape off with it really made me step back and think about our art in a different way. He performed this on the Words Greatest Magic which I think was shown on channel 5 (Look out forRe-Runs).

This is the first version presented In his book Drawing room deceptions, Waving the Aces 1 to those with the book.
This is a beautiful visual reversal of four kings. You basically spread the four cards in the fan shake it and the cards becomes reversed in the spread. This is done four times basically using the same procedure.
The effect does build in its impressiveness throughout via some tips from Guy. The effect is one of the easier ones to learn and perform on the tape. It is a good trick to learn if you are performing in larger gatherings as it has the advantage of being visible form longer distances. Nothing is left out in the explanation it is in depth and well shot.

Difficulty:Out of 10:7

Not for the Beginner as with all his tricks but not the most advanced effect on the tape. This one is worth the effort though.

Waves of Water (Oil and Water)

Performance: In a Phone Box in London. This is not like Monkey Magic but it is possibly where they got the idea from. The effect is a classic. Mix the red and black cards then the separate back into their original condition.
He uses the same move from 'Waving the Aces' which is called the 'Optical Alignment Move'.
This adds a good and clean convincer to the overall effect. There is two phases of which the second is the most convincing, which is how it should be. To be honest I am not a great fan of Oil and Water but if I did perform it this would be the version I would choose.

Explanation: Guy proceeds to explain this effect in his living room using his coffee table as an impromptu performing surface.
This is well explained and very learnable from the tape although because the tape is in Black and White it can be a little confusing. Guy is aware of this problem so he makes it very clear throughout what colours he is referring to.

Difficulty:Out of 10:6.5
The moves and sleights are very similar to the above routine. The moves however are given a bit more cover.
Therefore I would rate this as possibly the easiest item on the tape.

Ambidextrous Interchange
Performance: I have seen two people perform this Jerry Sadowitz and Guy Hollingworth. The performance takes place in the shadow of Nelsons Column, a very nice setting. This is an incredible piece of magic.
The overall effect is of four (signed)Aces being placed in four separate pockets on your personage. You proceed to change four kings held in your hand into the aforementioned aces. You then cleanly remove four kings from your pockets to end the routine. This is brilliant to watch even when you know the secret. This is incredible and you begin to think gimmicks are possibly involved however would Mr.Hollingworth stoop so low? (find out later).

Explanation:The explantion takes place in the living room. Again Guy does not leave anything to the imagination all is well explained apart from the Emsley count he uses for a false display. However most will know how to do an Emsley count I am sure.
He teaches a follow up to the routine which would play well in more live situations. He does not perform it in the Performance section because he feels it would not play well on film, a wise decision from Mr. Hollingworth This is the most technically demanding effect on the tape but a lot of magic takes place in a sort amount of time.
This will probably be the one explanation you watch and think (maybe I will come back to that when I have had finger implants). For those not in on the joke Guy does Have large hands which I feel does help this routine in general.
However this should put no one off as it is so well routined I feel the heat is never on because all of the dirty work is done before they think of watching for the dirty work.

Difficulty:Out of 10:9
This requires advanced audience management and advanced sleights. Personally I would not attempt this in a hurry although I would practice this for possible future occasions. This is what I would consider one of the hardest effects I own and I have Ray Kosby's Impossible card Magic so that is quite a statement.

Selling Fridges--An Ace Assembly
Performance: This is performed in the library at Guy's local club although I am not sure whether it is his local magic club or more of a gentlemen’s club. This is a three phase version of the classic routine where the aces are placed into four
separate piles and the collect into one pile (without any extra cards remaining in the pile). Each phase becomes more impressive and even fairer. In the last phase the pile can be chosen by the spectator and placed in the hand while the cards make their transportation.

Explanation: Guy proceeds to explain the effect in his Kitchen (A very different affair to Lee Asher's kitchen) while waiting for the kettle to boil to make a cup of tea, Earl Grey no doubt. He uses the worktop in the kitchen as a temporary close up mat and explains each phase in great detail. You could just pick one of the phases and just perform that because each phase will hold its own. The last phase is quite a bit harder than the first one and probably one you will save for those special occasions (performing for other magicians).

Difficulty:Out of 10:7
The only part of this routine that makes it particularly difficult is the last phase leave this out if you wish and you will still have a great version of the collectors.

Easy Way Home
Performance: At the side of a busy road in London sat on a convenient bench.
This is a good effect for those who like the magicians in trouble type effects. The effect does build in the sense that as you are depositing cards on each failed attempt it becomes harder for you to make the mistake again. Finally you give up admitting defeat although really your audience will be amazed and confused at your apparent continuous mistakes.

Explanation: In Guys Bedroom. This is the one routine on the tape that will require something extra but you will all have one. This is something that can be purchased outside of a magic shop for those of you that are curious.
This is a nice simple routine that is mostly aimed at the presentation. The handling is straight forward and does not require much in the way of memorizing moves, just suck all the presentation out of this you can.
Done in the correct tongue in cheek way I think this routine would get good reactions although personally I have not tried this.

Difficulty:Out of 10:7

New Material
Performance: The setting is of no great relevance here although it is outside a house I believe. This is the most of the wall effect on the tape. It involves placing a packet containing the four aces inside your jacket pocket.
You then open the jacket up and show the audience the rather nice lining of your jacket. You then fiddle with it for a while a proceed to pull the ace from the lining of the jacket you do this until the last ace. You feign a bit of trouble finding it.
You then proceed to do the unthinkable a pull the whole packet through the lining leaving the last ace resting in the pocket you placed the packet in earlier.
Explanation: The explanation is in his living room. Very thorough as usual. He does not teach the actual control used for the four aces although he does teach an alternative which is more than adequate. During the routine you find yourself going into manipulator mode or Jeff McBride. It odes have that type of air to it so it may suite the finger flickers amongst us.
A very nice way of producing the four aces.

Difficulty:Out of 10:8

L'Arc de Triomphe
Performance: Performed on the courtyard of a church of which I do not know the name. This is a variation of the well loved Triumph routine. Before you all groan read on>> This has one big advantage, it is done in the hands. The effect remaims the same as the professor intended (as I feel it should), this is the key to the trick the simple directness of it.
There is a phase two which involves the three mates of the selection becoming reversed in an apparently mixed-up deck.
This only adds to the effect and I feel does not diverse from it at all, a great little kicker.

Explanation:Guy explains this in his bedroom. As thorough as the previously mentioned explanations.
With explanation of the tilt with Daryl’s convincing touch. This routine does incorporate a lot of sleights especially if you do the second phase. Not for the beginner but also not the most advanced item on the tape.
I have seen this performed on a show that was on channel five. I forget the name of the show but I remember this routine being performed. This is really a piece that can stand on its own because it really does look magical.
Big hands are recommended however!!

Difficulty:Out of 10:7

On the tape's box there is comment that I will quote here just to forewarn anyone:-
"WARNING: Many of these routines are technically demanding, and will require a considerable amount of practice."

I have warned you!!
However this is definitely one of those tapes you want to add to your collection. I would consider Guy as England’s version of
Greg Wilson. He is a good ambassador of English magic and widely recognized the world over as a creative magician. The performances are enjoyable and show the effects of in the best way he can (without having a real audience).
You will feel privileged to own and watch this cassette, it is a good opportunity for those who have read Drawing Room Deception to watch some of the effects in action. Some of the effects in the book can read hard so hear is a little visual aid. Those without the book need not worry as the effects can just as easily be learnt for the video without buying the book first.

Pros and cons
The technical quality is fine throughout it is well edited and clearly has been story lined and planned well.
It could be just my tape but sometimes during a cut from shot to shot there is a glitch in the framing. Having done linear editing myself(Tape to tape) I know this is a problem that is prevalent to this type of editing. We used to have to put a Time-Code on a blank tape so the two tapes (source and Source out) could synchronize with each other in order that the cuts where dead accurate. Although this may have been done sometimes the equipment itself will let you done. Anyway this does not detract form the video at all as there is not many cuts anyway and it does not seem to be a problem that occurs all the way through
the tape. The framing of all the shots is dead on and always looks rehearsed if there is any camera movement no quick fumbling with the camera hear to reframe a shot. The sound quality is consistently good throughout with no undue changes with the remote throughout. The music fit very nicely with the video with a classical theme throughout. Unfortunately there is no graphics to tell you the name of the trick you are learning which can make life a little difficult especially when you are writing a review. However the graphics may have been invasive of the style so I suppose it helps with the general aesthetic feel of the video itself. Sometimes Guy mentions the name of an effect sometimes he omits to tell us never mind not the crime of the century. This is high quality material and every serious card magician should consider buying this tape.
Although not all of the effects are real world workers ala Jay Sankey there is a place for any of these effects in anyone’s repertoire for those special occasions, maybe learn one of the effects really well and use that as the real fooler of your act.
Those who do reformation will understand what I am getting at!!

Thank you to everyone for there previous and forthcoming reviews I only hope my contribution is some sort of thank you for all of the other people’s hard work.
Kindest Regards
Stephen Lawson
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Iain Moran
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Great review Sybilmagic!!!! I'm sure it will prove very useful to everyone at the Café.

This is without doubt one of my very favourite videos. I bought this direct from Guy the week it was released almost 7(?) years ago, and have toughly enjoyed watching it time and again ever since.

It is the kind of video that even if you do not do any of the effects, there is so much to learn just watching Guy perform. He takes perfection to an entire new level, and the way he handles even very difficult sleights, with an apparent lack of effort is totally outstanding.

If you are serious about card magic, there are several effects you will no doubt want to work on. But as Sybilmagic said, they will indeed take work. But believe me, if you do master any of these effects you will be amply rewarded.

I remember seeing Guy perform "Ambidextrous Interchange" at the Blackpool Convention prior to the video's release and was completely fooled. Since Sadowitz released the original effect "The More Things Change" in "Alternative Card Magic" in the eighties, it is a plot I have been hooked on, and had experimented with many methods. Guy's version however, broke new ground, and I was unable to completely reconstruct it, this despite the fact that I followed him round and saw it performed 4 times. Needless to say this effect is my favourite on the tape.

So if you enjoy card magic, and like to put in the work required, The London Collection is a must. You will not be disappointed!!!!
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Profile of cardfreakhk
Warning though : Not for beginners.
Beginners once watch this tape, will never pick up a deck again.

Michael Lam Smile
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Profile of Sybilmagic
Thanks guys for taking the time out to reply and tell me what you thought of the review. You where very lucky to see guy perform at blackpool Iain. I attend blackpool an will be going next year maybe see you around?
mike stevenson
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I couldn't agree more with your review. This is a favorite of mine, and your analysis of it is thorough and extremely accurate. Very well done. In my opinion this sets an example for other reviewers.
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Profile of marko
It's a great video with awesome material. Waving The Aces and Waves Of Water are effects I love and do often.
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On 2003-06-18 17:31, cardfreakhk wrote:
Warning though : Not for beginners.
Beginners once watch this tape, will never pick up a deck again.

Michael Lam Smile

Either way, really not for beginners. However, a must have for anyone who are serious to card magic.
Most memorable moment - with Maestro Juan Tamariz & Consuelo Lorgia in FISM Busan 2018.

"Being fooled by a trick doesn't always mean they are having a good time" - Homer Liwag
Bradley Morgan
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Very nice Review

Thank you

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Profile of Kjellstrom
I hope this video will be published as a DVD in the future...
Iain Moran
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I will be at Blackpool next year (as always). So look forward to seeing you there.

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Profile of robin_martin
***. i think ill have to get this now to go along with routines and drawing room deceptions which i already have. i was hoping to save the money but now ive been convinced to spend it. Smile
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Profile of Sybilmagic
Sorry Robin But it's not like all the other members of the Café have made me spend on items the are MUST HAVES lol we have some great people on the Café and you know you can be more certain when purchasing effects!!
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Profile of Creanada
What an excellent review! Thanks a lot, I was thinking about getting this but now, on reflection, I think it may be too advanced for me Smile
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Profile of Sybilmagic
In no way was this aimed to put people off, although if you feel your monet better spent on more workable effects for your standard then that is fine. I just like it for taking in the possibilities of magic. One of those that you may buy if you have some extra cash (maybe) I just feel a little guilty that's all mate!!