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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: I need help with...Scotty York (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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Fred Kaps was the first I saw use the scissors to cut the "invisible" wire. I believe Bob Swadling came up with the principle.
The Baldini
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Inner circle
I some how pounded in
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Profile of The Baldini
The scissor works great with the invisable cord routine, where you cut the electric cord, it also works great with a PK ring if you don't want to use the scissor.
The Baldini
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Inner circle
I some how pounded in
2443 Posts

Profile of The Baldini
Guy's , Thanks for all your help, I did list it for sale , I put it at $100.00, I think that is a great value.