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Thomas Burkhart
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Review: New York Coin Seminar DVD Vol 10

This is a DVD from the series that captures most parts of the famous New York COIN Magic Seminar of David Roth, Dr. Micheal Rubinstein and Mike Gallo.
Mike Gallo

I’ve hadn’t seen this performer before and I am really enthusiastic about him. His style is very relaxed and casual, his methods are direct if not so say bold sometimes. From what I have heard about Al Goshman Mike Gallo’s style must be much like that of Goshman.
Okito goes wild

Okitobox with 3 half dollars.They penetrate his hands, change from copper to silver, change to chines coins, as climax he pours out of the okito box three jumbo Chinese coins that could not fit in there

All in all not too difficult with some really nice touches in handling copper/silver coin

Funny Routine: Premise two copper coins will fly from one hand to the other hand but instead they shrink small copper coins.

While watching the performance I had at first difficulties to understand what the trick is all about, because of the camera angle I couldn’t really see the size difference of the coins. The name nonsense is somewhat correct and Gallo admits it himself with the excuse that it gets always a great reaction.
Old faithful

Gallo shows three coins and a glass inside a leather dice cup. He covers the glass with the dice cup and one by one the coins travel into the glass; each one can be heard when dropping into the covered glass. Very nice idea and presentation.

Also Dr. Michael Rubinstein was new for me. He has a distinguished, intelligent performance style. From all three to me he is the least charismatic and he didn’t really connect with me. His tricks though are as good as the other ones.
Magnetic Coins

Two coin routine with the premise that after rubbing them on the jacket the get electric charged and start to develop mangetism so finally stick really strong to each other.

I got doubled fooled by this, because on the first look I thought these must be really somehow magnetic which not amazed me. But in reality they are not. They can and should be passed out for examination (what he did not during performance). Very very convincing!
Ultra Revers Matrix

Very clean matrix routine, coins covered with cards three travel under one card, then as a surprise all are at their starting position, as already said very, very clean. I haven’t tried it, but I’m pretty sure that this will only work if you work on a soft close up pad which I personally don’t like at all. If you work on one then it’s surely worth looking at.
Stealth Copper Silver Transposition

Very clean transposition of a silver and copper coin, one in the hand of the spectator, one in the magician’s hand using the “Stealth palm” that I didn’t know about before. My Personal opinion is, that David Roth’s “Fugitive Coins” are stronger.
David Roth

The last video of David Roth that I saw must have been about 15 years ago. I was very positive surprised that on this DVD his performances is much more casual and entertaining than want I had recalled.
The Fugitive Coins

A clever transposition effect of one coin in the hand of the spectator and one in that of the magician, with coins of different sizes, so the spectator can always feel which coin is in his hand. Very, very clever and surprisingly easy, is all I can says.
Roth on the Okito Box

Just beautiful! I’m not very familiar with Okito Box routines, but this here is just great, smooth and extremely clean. You have to watch it yourself. It uses Davids custom made Okito box, that has some very special built in features (more on this perhaps in a future review). The explanation is a really good piece of teaching. Roth explains not only this Routine, but also a lot of tips on handling coin boxes, including a box through hand climax.

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Scotty York’s Sweet Trick little trick

Clever constructed routine where a signed borrowed coin vanishes and appears inside a small sugar packet as you get them in restaurants. Great for restaurant workers.
Scotty York’s Numismatist

Funny and strong transposition of two copper and a silver coin, the silver cointhat is trapped inside a wallet. Great trick but you realize that Scotty York is quite old know, so his sleight of hand is not as clean as it was while he was still active performing.
Al Schneider on Coins

Schneider talks about his view on coin vanishes that more or less all are based on a throwing and catching motion. One that he calls the German drop is really extremely convincing. He tries to mimic the motion of the left hand catching a coin. I think this could even be better if he would break the wrist as my teacher Alexander de Cova showed it to me, instead of just closing the hand . He finishes with nice routine where he transforms a silver dollar into two half dollars and back again.
Vic Trabuco: Glas Transit – Performance only

Very clean transposition from one coin from under a glass into the hand of the magician.
Marc de Souza

Entertaining routine, production of coins and hour glasses followed by his take on “Three fly”
Panel Discussion on the Retention Vanish

Actually this was the original reason why I bought this DVD after I read it’s review in Genii Magazine because I’m working for quite a time on this move. The version I’m working on is the one of Alexander de Cova. So I wantet to know which different approaches exists. Roth, Rubinstein and Gallo show and explain there views on it in great detail. For me Roth’s and Gallo’s are the most convincing.

This part alone is in my opinion worth the price of this DVD

I’m not a coin guy so far, but I want to go deeper in this branch that's why I bought the DVD. Besides the discussion on the retention vanish I was suspecting that the rest of the DVD would be only something for coin enthusiasts far too difficult for a beginner and not usable in the real world. How surprised am I that the opposite is the case. Most of the tricks are real workers and very entertaining, something you can’t say about all coin tricks. I’m sure the beginner and the expert will gain something from this DVD.

You can get this DVD directly at

Price: $35

Highly Recommended

On my blog you find an video clip of David Roth performing his Okito box Routine check it out here
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Profile of Frankie636
A great Volume to this collection!!!

I would agree that the Retention Vanish Forum is worth the price of the DVD alone.
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Profile of anthonyb
On the New York Seminar DVD 10, is the Scotty York Coin in SugarPacket filmed at the Seminar or from the Murphy's DVD?

Anthony Brahams
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I now have a reply from a friend on another forum—film was shot at the seminar.
Anthony Brahams
Thomas Burkhart
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Sorry, I was a bit late.

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Michael Rubinstein
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Thanks for the review. I just wanted to add that there are now 13 volumes in the set, with three more due to come out in 2011. They can be found through your favorite magic dealer, or from (with deals for three or more volumes. All the volumes contain about 2 hours of groundbreaking coin magic (4 hours on the two disc volume 1 on coins across), practical in the real world, all time tested, and most unpublished. There is material for both the beginner and the advanced worker. Guests on the DVDs include Kainoa Harbottle, Dan Watkins, Marc DeSouza, Victor Trabucco, Scotty York, Doug Brewer, Giacomo Bertini, Eric Jones, Bill Citino, and on the newest set, Bob Fitch and Jean Emmanuel Franzis add their own special brand of magic.The early ones have rare footage of the late Geoff Latta. In additon to the usual coin trick performances and explanations, there is snippits from the actual seminar, including workshop footage and bonus material. You can get a demo DVD for a buck or two from your favorite dealer, or just google it on the internet to find out where to get it. The demo DVD contains an hour of coin performances culled from the first 13 volumes. I look forward to hearing your comments about the set.
Special sale! FREE magician T shirt (a $25 value, only L or XL - see link) while supplies last with each purchase of MIGRATE ($35 ppd USA) Magnetic Coins ($40 ppd USA) or Conviction Prediction ($45 ppd
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Michael Rubinstein
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Profile of Michael Rubinstein
Volumes 14,15, and 16 now out, that have already rfeceived rave reviews. Available on our website, or soon from Murphys magic. See some of the routines, and read some of the reviews here:
Special sale! FREE magician T shirt (a $25 value, only L or XL - see link) while supplies last with each purchase of MIGRATE ($35 ppd USA) Magnetic Coins ($40 ppd USA) or Conviction Prediction ($45 ppd
inquire for ordering information here or to