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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Helping hands :: Assistants Pay - Yet again (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of M.Frymus
So, I am finally looking to step up my game and go for the assistants in my shows. I have read all the threads on the pay of assistants, but still not too sure.

I don't perform all too often, a few here, there, sometimes more, or less.

I am asking JUST for what PERCENTAGE would be best to pay my (1) assistant?
As the amount of shows vary, and the price of each show, I am not able to pay a fixed amount. So, I need a percentage. I heard some 20%, 25% some 50%.

I would like to know what percentage of pay would be best (Not including rehearsals/practices). I am thinking near the 50%, but as I provide all the props and illusions, It would be less then that. What would you say? But, going to little would not be good as some shows don't pay much and having a low percentage would mean a really low pay, and I may not have an assistant anymore. If you know what I mean.
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Dr. Delusion
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Hi there.
I'm not a full time Magician, but we perform a lot a Fairs, Festivals, resorts and such. I don't pay anything for our rehearsals, but at all of the shows I always split the money in equal parts. At the shows I get 1/3, my assistant gets a third and our sound and light man gets a third. Sometimes we each make several hundred per show, and sometimes 30 or 40 bucks each. The only time I'll take extra is if it's an out of town show I'll get a few bucks more for gas, and if someone else drives their car I'll give them extra for gas as well. On average we will perform 2 or 3 benefit shows for free, and no one has ever complained or said no they can't do the show. At least for me, this has worked out very well.
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For small gigs, the Performers should split the pay evenly, and the person that books the deal should get a percentage (10% is fairly standard) off the top.

So assuming that one of the 2 performers books the gig, the split would be 55 / 45 in favour of the gig booker.