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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: New Ring Vanish from Lebanon Circle Magic (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of LebanonCircle
Hello all!

I usually reside in the bizarre magic forum but I thought I would venture over to see you folk with news about my new ring vanish.

Although this effect is a slight deviation away from bizarre magic the illusion is so diverse it can be used in any genre of magic.

CSI - Coffee Shop Illusion

Prepare yourself for the cleanest, most unbelievable ring vanish ever created.

A solid metal ring, chained and padlocked will vanish before your eyes.

No sleights, totally impromptu and 100% self working. Magic has never been this incredible or this simple. CSI pushes the boundaries of magic to a new level that has never been seen before.

Click on the link now to see CSI in action!

For the first 50 CSI customers you will also be entered into a prize draw where you have a 1-in-50 chance of winning a framed mummified fairy worth £400!

Thanks again for your continued custom and support, have a great summer!



Lebanon Circle
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Say 'toast' five times, toast toast.....
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Profile of roblane
Wow! This looks absolutely incredible.
Definition of a Freudian slip; Saying one thing and meaning a "mother"!
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Say 'toast' five times, toast toast.....
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Profile of roblane
If I promise to write an honest review can I have a free sample to test this out?
( no harm in asking) Actually I've just ordered one and will let ya all know what I think soon as.
Definition of a Freudian slip; Saying one thing and meaning a "mother"!
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Profile of LebanonCircle
I've had lots of praise and interest regarding CSI as well as many questions! An FAQ section will be added to the site later but I've listed most of the Q & A here for you in advance...


Do I need to buy refill packs for the gimmick?

No, unless you lose it of course. The rings will last you a lifetime if you look after them (they are metal after all!)

Why so expensive?

The CSI rings are made from a metal that is twice as expensive as silver.

Is CSI really 100% impromptu?

The ‘Houdini’s ring’ type performance is 100% impromptu however the Starbucks cup routine uses a gimmick that is very easy to create that needs to be prepared beforehand.

Do you use real coffee for CSI or is it some crazy chemical mix?

CSI uses normal black coffee, nothing more!

Can CSI be performed more than once?

You’ll be able to perform CSI twice, 2 rings = 2 performances. The reset will need to be done at home before you can perform again.

Can the coffee be drunk once CSI has been performed?

No! Under no circumstances must the coffee be consumed after using CSI! Full safety guidelines are provided on the DVD.

Is the metal toxic?

The metal, like most, is toxic if ingested. I wouldn’t recommend putting any metal objects in your mouth and the CSI ring is no exception!

Can I use other liquids for CSI?

Yes, as long as it’s hot!

Will there be different types of ring available?

Yes, next month I plan to release a few ring variations.



Lebanon Circle
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Profile of spaccachild
The Lebanon Circle blurb is above, along with the link to this effect, so I'll not repeat it all here.

I have purchased from Dan before and have always been more than satisfied, so I knew that CSI would not disappoint...
But when it arrived, I couldn't believe how startling the effect is...

I would give this a 9/10- it does not get a 10 as it is just too *** brilliant!

As Dan says, you get 'everything' you need to perform the effect, and this is broken down into a number of boxes, and a DVD, which enables Dan to walk you thru, and allow you to perform the effect on yourself initially... this is a nice touch- and quite a shocking moment. When I perform this, I will not forget the impact it had on me for the first time.
There is a little preparation time for the Starbucks cup routine, but Dan is open about this on the website.

The materials are of first class quality, as I've come to expect from Lebanon Circle, and make the experience of preparing, and performing this, quite special.
The reset is a bit of a pain, in that it takes a while, and cannot really be rushed, but it is definitely worth the effort. The biggest pain is not getting to perform this over and over and over again...

The effect is as described above, and plays out exactly as in the movies on the Lebanon Circle website. I am not a professional performer but will ensure that I perform this as much as I can for anyone who'll watch...
The presentation is very versatile and could be tailored to suit any style of performer- street or club magician, mentalist, bizarrist etc etc... I struggle to think who couldn't incorporate un ultra-clean, impossible ring vanish into their repertoire.
The participant threads the ring onto the chain, and padlocks the ring and the chain. The whole lot is lowered into a cup of hot, black coffee, and promptly vanishes. The ring can be shown to have completely vanished by the use of a stirrer [Houdini's Ring] or pouring the coffee out to reveal an empty cup [Starbucks cup] Its as simple as that!
This is pretty much self working, but I think it's important to build the effect through one's presentation, rather than selling it as a quirky trick. This is strong stuff. The sort of thing that your spectators will be talking about many years from now, "it was chained and padlocked, and then it just disappeared!" This is the sort of thing that I'm aiming for when it comes to presenting mysteries, and I'm sure many more are also...

This effect isn't cheap however, and this is likely to be due to the materials required- but I quite like the slightly more expensive items, as it means that not every curious joe is gonna snap it up... Personally I think that this effect, at £150, is reasonably priced and anyone who wants to make a ring disappear, without using their hands, should not hesitate in buying this immediately.
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Profile of Kevinr
Questions regarding the rings to make this a strolling effect:

1. Do you need to carry the old liquid back home with you to get the ring that vanished?

2. Is this impromptu so to speak, in the fact you can walk upto ANYONE with a cup of coffee or you must set up there coffee cup first and then keep the cup after to get you ring back.
Ron Vergilio
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You wouldn't walk up to someone and use HIS coffee as you can't drink the coffee afterwards. You use your own hot opaque liquid. That's about all I know about it. As far as a strolling effect goes, this can be done once with the reappearance of the ring. The second time, you cannot reproduce the ring. You have to take them home to reset.

May the magic in your life never disappear

*** Lou Serrano's Steel Ball Routine ***
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Profile of G.
CSI looks very good but too bad it is more for one time performance, like on TV on a show. Was hoping to do it with fast reset, but well, there's always cons and pros to everything.
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Profile of nattefrost
Can you discard the coffee after the ring vanishes or do you need it for the reset?
The Great Smartini
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On 2009-07-31 19:49, nattefrost wrote:
Can you discard the coffee after the ring vanishes or do you need it for the reset?

You most definitely need the coffee in order to reset. Without it you would need to buy another CSI Ring.

The great Gumbini
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You guys I have this effect and it is very very nice. If you are able to afford it buy it. That is my honest advice.

Good magic to all,

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Profile of Mystification
It would be hard to justify in my opinion. First, why coffee or any other "hot" liquid? Would Houdini jump into boiling water? Second, what if they want to dump the cup out and see if the ring is still in there? You would have to become very protective of the cup of coffee.
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Profile of Krazyjay
On 2009-08-13 05:12, Mystification wrote:
It would be hard to justify in my opinion. First, why coffee or any other "hot" liquid?

I work at a restaurant. I only perform this after dinner, when they are enjoying coffee and dessert. So to them it looks natural and justifies why I'm using coffee. I wouldn't go up to them before dinner and say "Hey I want to so you something, hold on I need the waitress to bring us some coffee. Now that you would need to justify. Its all about timing.

On 2009-08-13 05:12, Mystification wrote:
Second, what if they want to dump the cup out and see if the ring is still in there? You would have to become very protective of the cup of coffee.

Well they can dump out the coffee to see if the ring is in there, I wouldn't advise it. It just might ruin the Illusion. Just like with any piece of magic, you must have spectator management. I'm sure they would love to open the prediction I hand them at the hostess podium, for me to reveal what they will order. Whats stopping them from opening it early? Like with CSI, as soon as the ring vanishes and there asking where did the ring go. The bus boy comes over and takes dirty dishes away from the table and grabs the mug to. So to the spectator the bus boy was just doing his job. At the same time the ring box that the spectator was holding from the begin of the illusion is now open to reveal the ring.

Just how I perform CSI

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Profile of Hansel
That's VERY smart!
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Jeremy, well done. You have thought this out well.
The Great Smartini
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On 2009-08-13 10:10, Krazyjay wrote:
On 2009-08-13 05:12, Mystification wrote:
It would be hard to justify in my opinion. First, why coffee or any other "hot" liquid?

I work at a restaurant. I only perform this after dinner, when they are enjoying coffee and dessert. So to them it looks natural and justifies why I'm using coffee. I wouldn't go up to them before dinner and say "Hey I want to so you something, hold on I need the waitress to bring us some coffee. Now that you would need to justify. Its all about timing.

On 2009-08-13 05:12, Mystification wrote:
Second, what if they want to dump the cup out and see if the ring is still in there? You would have to become very protective of the cup of coffee.

Well they can dump out the coffee to see if the ring is in there, I wouldn't advise it. It just might ruin the Illusion. Just like with any piece of magic, you must have spectator management. I'm sure they would love to open the prediction I hand them at the hostess podium, for me to reveal what they will order. Whats stopping them from opening it early? Like with CSI, as soon as the ring vanishes and there asking where did the ring go. The bus boy comes over and takes dirty dishes away from the table and grabs the mug to. So to the spectator the bus boy was just doing his job. At the same time the ring box that the spectator was holding from the begin of the illusion is now open to reveal the ring.

Just how I perform CSI


No effect is truly perfect magic. It's only through planning/performing/reflecting/practice does an effect become a true piece of "magic". I think that too many people want an easy, off the shelf miracle. In the above post Jeremy has kindly shared some great magical thinking on how he makes this effect work in his performing situation.

Dr. Eamon
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I love it...
Presentation is everything!

If you can Dream it, you can Do it!

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Bill Hegbli
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In another forum, it was mentioned that the liquid is now poison. Having a bus buy handling the thing is dangerous. I would hate to hava an accident happen, and I was the cause.
Ron Vergilio
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My personal point of view is this is not for table hopping unless it's for a special table for a large group. The impact is very strong but not to do over and over again. Do the effect as a finish and dump the coffee yourself.

BTW, when I perform this effect I let the people hold and look at the box and the ring. I then have the helper take the ring out of the box and hand the box to me while he inspects the ring. I place the box on the table and continue with the effect. At the end, after the ring has vanished, I HAVE THE HELPER PICK UP THE BOX FROM THE TABLE AND FIND THE RING BACK IN IT. A very strong finish.

May the magic in your life never disappear

*** Lou Serrano's Steel Ball Routine ***
Fire Starter
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WOW just seen this, awesome visual effect and for a one off closer to a seance routine, beats anything I have seen hands down.