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Mike Giusti
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It's true that the faster and flashier, the better for television, especially live! Let's talk about the effects you have performed (or would perform if you had the chance) on the tellie!
John Zander
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Downey, CA
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Well, the last show that I did was local cable in San Diego so that really does not count. I had 20 minutes which you would never get on a "real" TV spot.

What would I do.... hmmm.... it depends on if it were close-up or stand up. For close up probably a sponge ball routine. Right now I am having a great time with Carl Andrews routine "Ain’t no Mo" Or some sort of a transpo card routine.

For stand-up, jeez, I would need a couple of days to decide Smile


Thank you,

John Zander


The Award Winning

Comedy Magic of

John Zander

Thank you,

John Zander


The Award Winning

Comedy Magic of

John Zander
Dorian Rhodell
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I did some ace cutting routines and revelations for the Fox television show "The PJ's". Just False shuffles and cuts. I had to follow the script of the show so I really couldn't do a trick per say but that's all I've done as far as TV goes.

Talk to you later,

Tom Cutts
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I had a TV shot when the original needle thru matchbox first came out. I was on a show with several other magicians around Halloween. The host was a noted smarty-pants and interrupter. I was the only one that nailed him.

The staff came up to me after the taping and congratulated me on really getting him good. When that matchbox droped into his hand as heavy as it was his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He was mezmerized by the brass block for a good 30 seconds. That's a long time in TV time.

As long as we are talking TV, is this some kind of Teletubby? Smile

Steve Brooks
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We found that little "smilie" at Area 51 in the desert and felt sorry for

"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Mike Giusti
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Well, since I started this:

Fire Eating

Ring in Gumball Machine


Invisible Deck (feed to in-studio anchormen)

Electric Man

Broomstick Levitation

Signed Card to Stolen Wallet with Watch Steal

Card Fountain/Card Sword

Baffling Underwear (on myself)

Borrowed Ring to Shoelace

Vanishing Coke/Appearing Straw

Cut & Restored Tie (on anchorman)

Jumbo B’Wave (feed to in-studio anchormen)

Ping Pong Ball of Death

I can’t remember any more... I’ve become the poster boy for Alzheimer’s Disease!



The Magical Mayhem of Mike Giusti
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Profile of kristel
I used to perform on a local tv-show and the host asked me which trick I would do and in what order? So he noted everything on his cue card.

The real magic was on the face of the host when on air he announced, now Andre The Magician will show us a card trick...and at that moment I looked at him and said; "let me show you a small illusion using two rubber bands" (Crazyman Handcuffs).

The host was surprised, amazed and speechless. Each time he announced the next trick in the order noted on his cue card, each time I surprised him by showing him something different.

The crew enjoyed every moment of the 7-minutes allowed to me on the show and had fun from the start to the end. The host concluded my presentation by saying; "I suppose that magic has got to be a surprise, even for the host".

The people watching the show remembered the magic moment that confused the host for weeks. Everytime somebody recognized me, they would congratulate me for the way I confused that poor host. Use that approach on your next tv appearance. It’s fun for everybody on the set...even for the host!

Andre Le Magicien

Andre Le Magicien
Quebec Canada
Excuse my French...
Steve Brooks
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Northern California - United States
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It sounds like you had a lot of fun! But isn't that what magic is all about? Smile

Thanks for posting! Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks
Scott F. Guinn
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"Great Scott!" aka "Palms of Putty" & "Poof Daddy G"
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I've done several TV gigs, ranging from close up to kids to adult stand up. Here's what I've done:

Sponge balls

Cups and Balls

Shell Game


Hopping Half

Water Monte

Tricky Bottles

Hippity Hop Rabbits

Card stuff
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than magic tricks." - Scott F. Guinn
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