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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Free Samples of Infinity V2 for the first 150 that reply! :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Rudy Sanchez
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Profile of Rudy Sanchez
On 2009-02-11 00:56, manal wrote:
So we can look forward to a thread on free thread
150 posts long saying ,thanks I got mine.
How about some feedback on using it?
I am considering buying some .

Here is another.
Sales Manager for Cesaral Magic
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Profile of manal
Thank you sir.
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Pelham, Alabama
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Profile of bgh13mm
Thanks I just got mine and will let you know what I think.Once I use some of it, Thanks again
Rudy Sanchez
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Profile of Rudy Sanchez
The free sample request is now over. Thanks for the overwhelming response!

Now if I can get some more reviews, that would be great!
Sales Manager for Cesaral Magic
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Eden Prairie, MN
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Profile of Leppy
Thanks Rudy...waiting patiently and hope to give a review as soon as I can play with it a little.

Take care,

Rudy Sanchez
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Profile of Rudy Sanchez
On 2009-02-21 02:07, whokebe wrote:
Were 150 sent out?

Yes, plus some!
Sales Manager for Cesaral Magic
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Profile of Pauldela
I havn't recived mine yet, but I live in France. Any idea when I might get it? Il have aplay around with it when I get it and report back.
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Profile of Magiguy
I am already biased in that I have been a fan of Infinity Thread since it was first released, and I already own two full rolls of it (1 black, 1 uncolored).

With that in mind, I have to say that Infinity Thread is the best of its kind on the market. The v2 thread is exceptionally convenient in that it is a pre-stripped version of the v1 thread, taking all of the often excruciating effort out of the thread preparation. If you already have a stock of v1 and are not bothered by the stripping process then this is not meant for you. If you like to play with the thickness of your thread based on how far down you strip it then this would not meet your needs. If, on the other hand, the stripping process is your worst nightmare and you want to sit right down and bang out a load of loops then you will likely be singing the praises of Rudy and his v2 thread from the moment you open the package.

The thread is surprisingly thin and very stretchy when I compare it with other threads that I have, and it doesn't seem to break as easily. The matte finish gives me better glare coverage, but as with all threads your lighting will still be something of a concern. Rudy graciously included a diagram for loop tying with the samples he sent out, and if he still includes Ron Jaxon's Infinity Loop instructions when you purchase you'll have all you need to get started, even if you have yet to begin your lessons in thread work.

Thanks Rudy!
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Bavaro Beach, Dominican Republic
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Profile of DamastaMind
Well, I think I got here too late already but I emailed Rudy anyway!

Who knows I believe in miracles...
The MIND is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?

Jeremiah 17:9
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Profile of smith83
Where can we buy the new thread? Honestly, the website looks a little sketchy
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Profile of puggo
I was one of the lucky ones to receive this thread. I am not a great user of thread, but tried out a couple of loops with a haunted deck effect. Perhaps the cards were smoother than when I tried with Mesika stuff, but they did not fail as easily, and I like the colour.
I'll get my thread mad friend to try out some more stuff & report back. So far, so good.
Thanks Rudy.
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Profile of Pauldela
Still havn't recived mine! lol.
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Profile of cyberdog
Send me too!
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Copenhagen, Denmark
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Profile of Vraagaard
Awesome, lokking forward to try this out and review the effect.

Email send

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Profile of puggo
On 2009-02-27 17:11, puggo wrote:
... I am not a great user of thread, but tried out a couple of loops with a haunted deck effect. Perhaps the cards were smoother than when I tried with Mesika stuff, but they did not fail as easily, and I like the colour.
I'll get my thread mad friend to try out some more stuff & report back. So far, so good.
Thanks Rudy.

My friend reported back, and loved it. He claimed it seemed stronger (helicopter card & haunted deck), and gave it a double thumbs up. How much of this was placebo, I don't know, but like I said, he was happy with it.
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Profile of VcosNJ
The infinity loops are practically invisible. I love it. I plan on putting out an order soon. Thanks Rudy for the hook up!
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Profile of Conus
I never received mine either...

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Profile of Papasmurf
I received my sample 2 weeks ago.
I can't believe how strong and concealing it is compared to all the others I have tried so far.

I have a box of threads and so far I prefer the Infinity V2.

Thanks Rudy,

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Profile of Zodiac58911
Email sent Smile
Awaiting delivery....
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Profile of cupsandballsmagic
Not gotten mine yet... I am hearing good things about it though... Smile