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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Build Your Own…..Runaway Hanky and Card Fountain (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Title: Build Your Own…..Runaway Hanky and Card Fountain
Medium: DVD sold separately
Arena: Stand up
Available: Any shop, Distributed by Murphys Magic Supplies

First let me say that I am not a handy guy with tools and if you want something fixed I’m the last guy you want to call. That being said I have a great respect for those that can make gadgets and cool things and I really enjoy making things if the instructions are clear and I have confidence in my ability to succeed. Macgyver Magic has come out with a couple of DVDs on how to make two very cool items that have a real application for the stand up or stage magician. The DVDs are sold separately with one covering an electronic pull for doing the Runaway Hanky and a very nice card fountain. The items used to make these two items are easily found at Radio Shack or a hardware store. The tools required are an electric drill with various bits, sand paper, a saw, and a good epoxy like JB Weld. Both of the items can be made for less than $20 each and actually since you use the same items for the most part in both projects you can likely make both for less than $20…. I was able to.

David Allen hosts and instructs and does an excellent job. He has a very pleasant Southern accent and understands what he is teaching and how to get it across. The DVDs open with David going over all the components and then goes through the assembly. The only problem I had doing the projects was putting holes into a washer but I got hold of a drill press and it worked fine, those better with tools than I am should have no problem. It is a real compliment to the guys behind this DVD if I was able to work along with the instructions without needing help. The end results were great and I love the card fountain though my wife took it from me for shooting cards at her. If I was going to find one thing that bothered me about the DVDs I’d have to say the lighting wasn’t great nor was a high end camera used. While better than many DVDs on the market they needed to better light the work surface as there were times I could not see what was being handled. It may have been my monitor but still….next time.

Thumbs up for these two DVDs. I found the projects to be fun to do and you end up with professional grade tools for the stage. I’m not sure what they have planned for the future but if they light the place up a bit more and stick to the formula used here then I think they will be worth watching out for. Great job.
Wayne Kawamoto
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Congratulations on successfully constructing that card fountain. I think you underestimate your skills as a craftman. I watched the DVD and understand what's involved.

-Wayne - Magic News and Reviews
Author: "Picture Yourself As a Magician"
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I've lots of time!
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Profile of zatara
Built the Runaway hanky to specs. To slow of a reel. Not worth the time.
Peter Pitchford
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Profile of Peter Pitchford
Using the instructions on this DVD (Runaway Hank) I was able to build a reel from scratch in one afternoon. Radio shack had the parts I needed. (I stopped at Lowe's for some epoxy and electrical tape.)

I really like the simplicity of this DVD. The instructions are easy to follow and the product is amazing.

Zatara, I wonder if you bought a smaller motor or your battery is low on juice. I built mine and it is screaming fast.

The unit itself is rather large. I will not be using this one in my hand on stage. I will have an assistant off stage use it so that the silk flies away from me rather than to me (in context, it makes sense).

Good value. I like it.