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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant :: CARD ON HEAD from Matthew Johnson's DVD "The Secret Art Of Monkey Business" (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jamie D. Grant
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as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
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Profile of Jamie D. Grant
What The Audience Sees:

"Jamie's first trick today was super fun! He took one card out of the deck and stuck it to his forehead (how?) and told us that that was his prediction. He then had us select a card and told us that the card we chose was going to be the mate of the card on his head. Like, if we chose the six of diamonds, then the six of hearts would be on his head. He put our card back into the deck and told us that he would find our card first. Well, he couldn't find it! And, you know why?! Because our card turned out to be the actual card that was on his forehead since the beginning of the trick! It was amazing!!"

How It Went:

Another great Friday. Anytime I can find standing, resettable, workable material, I am extremely happy. And so was the Magic Friday crowd. This isn't the kind of trick that's going to change anyone's life or anything, but it's a super solid worker. And it worked all day. I experimented with putting the card on different surfaces all day (their hand, sticking out of my pocket, etc.) but, to be honest, there's something entertaining about a card stuck to your head. It put everyone in a fun mood and let people loosen up a bit. A great opener. It said, "Hey, I'm kind of fun!" without being too goofy. I really enjoyed it. Combine that with the fact that I didn't really have to think about the method too much and you've got something that will probably end up in your working repertoire.

Best Lines:

"^%@^?! How that get there?!? Did you see him put my card up there?!"
-no need to switch, my friend!

-I know, lol. I put it there.

Angry Bob Rating:

For those of you reading this article for the first time, Angry Bob is a co-worker who has an understanding of some magic because his uncle was a magician. Angry Bob knows that TT’s exist, for example, but he has no desire to become a magician himself. He also has an anger management problem that can be experienced first hand if he can’t figure out how a trick is done. A high rating means he has no idea.

"I got you #%^^#%^#! I got you."
-Even though I didn't ask him then and there what he thought, he seemed pretty confidant. I might give him the benefit of the doubt and say 1/5. Like always, however, your magic friends might have a good though but no spectator will.

My Rating:

You know, like I mentioned, this isn't going to change people's lives but, when working a a walkaround magician, that isn't what you always want. Sometimes, if not most of the time, you need material that just says, "Hey, let's have a great time tonight!" And this trick fits that vibe to a "T". So let's say 9/10.

Also, as you know, I only review one trick from an entire DVD. Usually, to be honest, there's only one or two that will work for me. However, almost every trick on "The Secret Art Of Monkey Business", is a complete worker. The production may be a bit low-key but I was super surprised at the quality of working material on this disc. You could basically watch this DVD and go out an work a gig with performing nothing else than what you just watched. A rare thing indeed. Because of that, I'm going to rate the entire DVD 10/10. Great job Matthew and very generous!

Closing Thoughts:

My only tip is to not let anyone see you lick your head. Well, you don't really...ah you know what I mean, lol.


Jamie D. Grant

For the second effect- White Star -performed on this Magic Friday, click here! and check out the all new Magic Friday blog!

This Magic Friday, in particular, was kindly sponsored by Murphy's Magic Supplies . note- sponsorship in no way affects reviews.
TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk