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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: All in the cards :: Newspaper Card Revelation (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of JeffCT

I was recently at a magic Café in Buenos Aires
and saw a cool card revelation.

The magician, Juan Miraz, had three spectators
each select a card. He then folded a newspaper and
tore from the creases much like one do would create
a paper snowflake. He unfolded the paper pieces which
were created by the first tear. They were in the shape of
a heart - he dealt eight of these heart shaped pieces
to the floor - matching the eight of hearts selected
by the first spectator.

He proceeded to open the newspaper - the first "unfold"
revealed pip-shaped holes matching the second spectator's
card. He did a second "unfold" with the pips matching
the third specator's card.

The response from the audience was great, and there I really
like the magic and artistry of things in "threes."

Is anyone familair with this effect?

Thanks! Jeff
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Profile of MueCard
8H, 8S and 4D are the cards you can show with TONNY VAN DOMMELERN'S "FRONT PAGE CARDS" fromLewis Ganson UNCONVENTIONAL MAGIC(1956, 2nd ed. 1972) pp.50-52.
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Profile of JeffCT
Thanks so much for your reply! I was really hoping someone recognized the effect. I found a used copy of the book online and look forward to working with it.