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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Any suggestions?? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of MarkTirone
Hi. I was working with this routine I believe I created, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was done before me. Basically the effect is you take a napkin from the table you are working at, tell them that you are not only good at magic, but animals too! You begin to twist up the napkin and show it and say, "BAM! It's an ***!" People chuckle since it looks like a donkey. But here is where I am a bit confused...

I can either rip off one of the ears and say, "Here, let me make a rabbit instead," and drop it on the floor only for it to appear restored in place, or I can rip it off and restore if as if I am just making an adjustment. What do you recommend? Are there any books where I can find something similar to this (I already know about Dan Harlan's napkin trick)? Any criticism will be greatly appreciated.
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Profile of dilan_thomas
I think that if it ends up restored, then it must vanish or be placed back on. The effect should play stronger that way. If you leave it laying on the floor, then it isn't really a restoration; it is a regeneration. However, if you had a lizard and ripped the tail off, you could do a regeneration. It would make since in that context.

Hope this helps.
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palming not 1 coin, but
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Profile of MarkTirone
Hmm. I guess I never really thought of that. Thanks, Dilan! I will get cracking on that. But then again, with Six Card Repeat, you drop the cards, they see the cards are there on the floor, but then they are in your hand. I think it is that I usually do everything with some inspiration of logic in my magic that I just can't get over the fact that the pieces will be on the floor the whole time.