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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Review: Sal Piacente's Expert Card Magic Lecture Notes (1-2) (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of ImpromptuBoy
Hey guys.
I haven't posted anything for quite some time.
I wanted to share my opinion on what I think are the greatest expert card magic DVDs on the market right now.
Sal Piacente is one of my favourite guys to learn from. He's a big inspiration to me, and sessioning with him during dinner once, is personally, one of the best treats I ever got.
Sal is a gamng expert with a great knowledge about the field. His skill is unsurpassed, he has a great personality, and he's an extraordinary guy overall.
So let's start with volume 1 of the DVD set.
Sal's Memory Opener - Sal memorizes the deck of cards instantly, even as a spectator repeatedly shuffles the deck.
This trick in my opinion is worth the price of both DVDs combined. This trick will get you the greatest reactions. And the best part of it, it's so easy to do!

The Marlo Opener - A spectator cuts the deck, Sal then correctly estimates the exact number of cards cut, then he proceeds to deal himself a perfect hand.
This is a real fooler if presented right. This trick requires only one sleight, and that's the faro shuffle. Everything else is your patter, presentation.

Sal's Ace Cutting Routine - The most incredible Ace cutting routine you will ever see! The deck is shuffled, then Sal "dead cuts" directly to each of the four Aces.
This particular ace cutting routine is really good, because first of all, I don't do a lot of ace cutting routines, second of all, this method is very easy and convincing. Put the practice into it and you'll look like a card shark.

Sal's Ace Cutting Routine II - When the deck of cards is thoroughly shuffled, Sal then proceeds to cut straight to the Aces, this time without even looking.
This method I found to be OK. Not one that I will use often, but it's nice to know as well.

The Vernon Poker Deal Revisited - Sal's version of a classic routine in which a spectator will assist by drawing the winning card for Sal's incredible poker hand.
This is a great routine, not overly difficult, but you are required to get something for the trick, w/o giving away too much.

Volume 2:
The McDougal Stack Outdone - A very powerful routine where Sal will stack the four Aces into the deck and then deal himself the Aces.
This demonstration is impressive, but this one will require quite some work in order to perfect it.

Paint Poker - Using only the 20 high cards, the deck is shuffled and cut. Sal then is able to deal himself the winning hand.
This is a very easy, and entertaining poker demonstration using only the high cards, with a kicker ending. I use it a lot.

Rollover Aces - Sal cuts to the four Aces, then for a kicker ending he produces all four Royal Flushes!
This is one of my favourite demonstrations where you show your skill as a shark. This is just a fancy version of cutting the aces, with a kicker ending. This is not difficult if you have a decent push through. I use this a lot.

Stop !! - A card is selected, then shuffled into the deck. Sal deals the cards until "stop" is called to review the chosen card.
This is a nice little trick, Sal tips it, gives you some outs, and how it psychologically works.

The Riffle Stack - Sal demonstrates how a professional gambler can set up the deck of cards with the use of a riffle shuffle.
This particular item, not really a routine, is one of the greatest moves in a cheater's arsenal. You're doing what apparently looks like legitimate riffle shuffles, but you set up poker hands, or blackjack hands instead. I use this a lot in my cheating demonstrations.

The Faro Stack - The four Aces are shown, then Faro shuffled into the deck. Sal deals himself the Aces with a special ending!
Again, nothing new here. If you've mastered a perfect faro shuffle, you'll really like this one.

4,5,6-Packet Trick - Sal's show stopping routine where he finds a spectator's chosen card that he or she has just merely thought of... VERY IMPRESSIVE!
This is one of the hits on the DVD set. When I sat down to session with Sal, he showed me this one and absolutely devastated me until he showed me how it's done, and I was in awe. This trick is the perfect closer as Sal says, and it's so easy to do. When you learn it, watch Sal carefully, because as he says, that's what's really going to sell this trick, the acting, the mannerism. Learn this one, I can't emphasize this enough, it's one of the easiest tricks out there. It's totally impromptu, the spectator can shuffle the deck before the trick as much as they want to. You will devastate people with this one, I guarantee you.

I hope you like these DVDs as much as I did.

10/10 for both DVDs. Well done Sal.

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Profile of ozman
I totally agree with impromptuboy - when I watched volume 1 of this set I was TOTALLY blown away. you'll need to have your faro down, but if you do - you'll FRY people!
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Profile of LeConte
Steve Forte is the one who showed Sal the 4,5,6-Packet Trick, and I believe it's based on something found in Greater Magic, but I might be wrong.
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Profile of adamc
I do both the Marlo Opener and the Memory Opener. I get great reactions from the Marlo Opener, especially the phase where you ask the spectator to name any number and you tell them the card at that number. Looks impossible, since they've just seen you shuffle the deck twice! It would be even more devastating if I could get my perfect table faro down.

I love the memory opener, but I don't get great reactions from it. Most people just say that I had the cards in a specific order, even though they've shuffled the cards themselves. I think the problem is with my presentation though, since it's a great effect. I think I need to draw more attention to the fact that they've shuffled the cards. Does anyone else perform this and get great reactions? Any tips?
in flames
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Hey ImpromptuBoy, Your a lucky man.

I was supposed to hook up with Sal by the Niagara Casino last year but I couldn't make it. The times I spoke to him, he was a really cool guy. For a guy with tremendous skill, he doesn't act like a arrogant punk like most of these magicians who have attitudes because they release a DVD or two but never score with a girl and that I could slap out with one back hand. Just venting.

Great DVD set for sure. One of my favorites.

I own all of Sal's DVDs. Each and everyone is great. If I could choose a few magicians to jam with, Sal would be on top of that list. Speaking of quality individuals, Gregory Wilson would be up on that list as well.

LeConte the 4,5,6-Packet Trick can also be found in the Royal Road to Card Magic.