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Profile of Chappo
I have been talking with a fantastic fella called Rik Brooks (cheers mate Smile ) about this recently, and his responses and my thoughts have lead me to post this topic. I may be another newbie who has missed some vital info, so if that is the case please be nice and give me the benefit of the doubt Smile

Simply put, I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and magic societies ,as far as my searches have yielded, are in short supply... if not non-existent. Yes, the Café is an invaluable source of information and it has a plethora of people who are always ready to give you a hand. But,as far as local people go... I really have no idea.

I am very open to the idea of a mentor, even if it is by email contact. But that fact is that it is ideal to have someone local to you who can provide instant constructive criticism. I talked to Rik about IBM chapters and similar organisations.


There are no chapters in Brisbane (or even QLD I think), or even a local amateur magicians society. There is a SAM equivalent in Victoria (about 3000 km away... bugger), so that aint a help to me Smile

What gets me the most is that Brisbane is a major capital city with close to a million people in it. What do I have to do to get some help round here?!?!?

Thanks for bearing with me guys and as always, comments are ALWAYS appreciated!
The rules of a sleight of hand artist, Are three, and all others are vain,

The 1st & the 2nd are practice... And the 3rd one is practice again

- 'Magic of the Hands', Edward Victor (1940)
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Profile of escherwolf
Hello Chappo. All is not lost. While the local IBM ring is inactive, there is a magic club to be found on the Northside of Brisbane. The Queensland Society of Magicians meets on the 1st Monday of each month, 7:30 PM start, at St Anne's Church Hall, Nelson Street, Kalinga.

Last time I looked, these were the contact details:

President Joe Lewis: (07) 3281 1417

Secretary: Siloo Mahomesh: (07) 3488 2658

I haven'e met Siloo, but Joe is one of the nicest guys in magic, nd I have long held great respect for him. Give them a whirl, and good luck.
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Bris Vegas
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Profile of Chappo
Fantastic! Thanks for that Wolfy. Do you go there yourself? If so, give us a quick run down of what goes on in the average night.

Only problem is that I am on the extreme south side of Bris Vegas, so that is a bit of a bummer. But once a month is still ok!

It still find it strange that QSM is the only group that is active in a major capital city!!!??

But anyway, thanks a bunch!
The rules of a sleight of hand artist, Are three, and all others are vain,

The 1st & the 2nd are practice... And the 3rd one is practice again

- 'Magic of the Hands', Edward Victor (1940)
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Profile of escherwolf
I haven't been to the QSM for years due to my part-time Uni studies, and I'm afraid that I let my membership lapse. No reflection on the QSM, just a case of time constraints. I'll describe what I know of the QSM, but keep in mind that anything I say may be out of date...

The general rule is that a magician can be a visitor about three times in a year - after that, the general expectation isthat you will become a member.

To join, you must do an examination show to establish your credentials. This usually has some minimum list of what they expect to see: a card trick, a coin trick, a classic of magic such as linking rimgs or cups and balls, and so on. When I joined I didn't have much stage stuff, but was able to do a complete closeup show that met requirements by fairly liberal interpretations of the already general rules.

On an average night there is the formal business meeting part, then generally there is a performance part which is fairly loosely structured. And of course people exchane gossip, moves and ideas.

Special nights include the annual general meeting where offices are voted on, auctions, visiting lecturers/magicians, card trick round robins,and the occassional theme night.

Though they only have one official meeting in the month on the first Monday, it was traditional to have a social night on the third Monday of the month. These would by hosted by a volunteer magician at their house, and may not attract the full membership depending on location (some members were as far away as the Gold Coast, Noosa and Ipswich). I always enjoyed the social nights more than the actual club nights, and is probably what I miss most.

The QSM has also been known to put on public shows, most often as a partnership with a school or charity fundraiser. The fundraiser would advertise and sell tickets, and the QSM would show up, do the show, and pocket a small percentage for the club.

Another special event that was often much looked forward to was Houdini Night (which I doubt any club would fail to celebrate).

Around the time I was leaving, The QSM committee (then dominated by persons of the Masonic persuasion) were talking about having elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. I don't know whether they went ahead of that though I witnessed a trial initiation, and I had though it was a little bit over the top, and not particularly useful timewise in improving one's magic.

As for the QSM being the only club - The local IBM ring was never as large or as as active as the QSM. Most of their members were also in the QSM, and it seemed a lot more conservative. In any case it's membership shrunk until it was not really functioning at all.

What I really miss is having a local bricks and mortar magic shop. There used to be one (which Phil Cass owned for a while before heading south), but now the arcade it used to be in doesn't even exist. I have to admit, though, that with the availabilty of magic by internet vendors, I don't think a magic shop in Brisbane would ve viable anymore.

Anyway, I hope all that helps. Feel free to ask anything else - I'm only an internet post away.

As for the QSM being the only club - well it has been around quite a while, and I think it was actually the first club in Brisbane.
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Bris Vegas
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Profile of Chappo
That is a fantastic post... Nay, EPIC post. I just wish I could make this a sticky for Brisbanites, as I know a lot of people in Brisbane who are asking the same questions!

I read all of that goggle eyed! Thanks for taking the time to post all of that. A lot of what you have said has pretty much confirmed any assumptions that I have made already about Brisbane's greater magic community and QSM in particular.

As for your internet comment... very true. I would consider it redundant to open a store with the sheer amount of products now available online. Effects would be expensive due to the fact that most of them are imported from overseas, so it's much easier (and cheaper) to buy them wholesale and in bulk online.

I will be contacting the QSM soon, and I am officially making you (Whether or not you want to be one doesn't matter) my unofficial mentor. Whereabouts are you based in terms of Bris Vegas? North side, south side?
The rules of a sleight of hand artist, Are three, and all others are vain,

The 1st & the 2nd are practice... And the 3rd one is practice again

- 'Magic of the Hands', Edward Victor (1940)
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Chappo there is some more good news, I have just read recently that Taylors Magic Shop is planning to expend their business to a magic shop in Brisbane in the near future, offering much of the same level of service as it’s Sydney counter part.

No word yet as to where this might be as it’s only very early stages but It’s would seem that the magic scene in Brisbane is picking up substantially.


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Bris Vegas
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Profile of Chappo
Thanks for that mate!

That is good news indeed. I wonder where they might set up? I'm not really phased about how far away they might be, I just hope that they will be offering competitive prices.

I would dearly love to see the Brisbane magic scene pick up. Anybody else here from around Brisbane? Failing that, does anybody KNOW anybody in Brisbane? Smile
The rules of a sleight of hand artist, Are three, and all others are vain,

The 1st & the 2nd are practice... And the 3rd one is practice again

- 'Magic of the Hands', Edward Victor (1940)
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Profile of escherwolf
If Taylor's magic shop opens up here it would be terrific, particularly if they bring their program of guest lecturer's with them. (This month they have workshops with Jay Scott Berry). Their magic superday weekend in September boasts Bill Malone as a special guest It's all good.

I'm in Brisbane, and also on the Northside (Taigum to be exact). Ben Harris, a well-known creator and marketer of magic is also over here. You will meet a lot of people through the QSM, though I am surprised no other Brissie magicians apparently read this forum. Dave Lord, a magician who sells some stuff on his website is also over here somewhere at last look. I could list a whole stack of names, but have no idea whether they are still around or not - if they are they will probably still be associated with the QSM - Dave Faulkner, Vince Nash, George Karabache, Kerry Doman and so on.There are also people like the Noosa based Sean Trethaway, and plenty of others.

I'll send you a PM with more of my details in the near future - though probably not tomorrow as I'll be away all day.
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Bris Vegas
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Profile of Chappo
That's fine mate. No hurry.

Jay Scott Berry!!!!?! if only I had known sooner!

Don't really recognise those current QSM names but would like to see who is involved down around my way ... That's right, the dirty old southwest!

Thanks again for your input mate, looking forward to your PM.
The rules of a sleight of hand artist, Are three, and all others are vain,

The 1st & the 2nd are practice... And the 3rd one is practice again

- 'Magic of the Hands', Edward Victor (1940)