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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Polly wants a cracker... :: Where do you perform Doves? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Paul Jester
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I work quite a few cabarets, but I wouldn't want to take my Doves to most of them. I have begun seriously working on an act that needs Doves, and I'm just wondering where people are working with them, there don't seem to be many suitable venues about...?
Just wondering what direction I should be moving into to get more work for the birdies.

Christopher Moro
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This may really depend on the nature of your dove act. Of course, we've all seen dove acts on large stages, but I know of a couple of very good dove workers who (if the client wants it), have done their acts right in a living room for a kids party! It might not be a stage and there might not be much space, but I'm sure it was suitable enough.

I've performed my dove act on a small platform in the corner of a restaurant, I've performed outdoors on a small stage at an aquarium, and I've done the act on a huge proscenium stage for over 1000 people. Some were more comfortable for me than others, but all were suitable.
Dave Scribner
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Paul, school shows, fund raisers, corporate parties, libraries to name a few. I talked to the managers of a few larger hotels in my area and got them to suggest me as entertainment when they book parties and events. It's free advertising and does a pretty good job of getting bookings.
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Christopher Moro
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Oh, I think I understand your post better now, after having read Dave's reply. You are looking for venues. -- Dave gave great suggestions. Corporate functions like banquets, parties, etc are a good place. I don't know if they do this in the United Kingdom, but in the states, high schools put on rather elaborate functions for the graduates on the night of their graduation. They will always have entertainers. It's a good place to book a stage act.
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Profile of Kyle^Ravin
If you ask me, I'd say it really depends on the type of production and effects you intend to perform. I did a dove production close up in the streets for my TV special. Spectator thinks of an animal and draws it on a piece of paper. magician does a picture duplication and the peices of paperare gathered out and a dove is produced from within. I had to make a paper dove bag for this and I did it jus three feet away from my audience, using the same steals one would use on stage... IMHO, venues are not an issue... its wat you wanna do...

Do bear in mind your angles though...
Christopher Moro
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I know of some guys who've done a dove production in a close-up walk-around situation. It killed.
Paul Jester
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In my mind I'd eliminated outside, venues with food on tables, and close-up, for reasons I hope are obvious.

I'd forgotton about the Uni circuit, I'll make some calls there, thank you. Guess I'll work it in at the suitable cabarets, and see where it goes, just so long as there are venues to go to!

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Profile of Gordon
I'd bring one dove to a birthday party performance, at a home, and produce it for my final piece. It played very well; the kids loved it, and I know it helped get me additional bookings.
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Profile of donrodrigo
Johnny Ace Palmer uses such production close up. I have also used them outside so many times with no accidents,and I don't cut their primary wings as most dove magishs do. I think it's a no no,it's their natural defense.I never lost a one.Naturally they are not intended for close up. I found that after the show sometimes audience menbers wish to meet you if they can,and ask if any harm comes to the animals,I had some adult members jump close to the stage raving once when I produced a duck out of a bucket of fire. Reassure your audience that these are your traveling companions,and that there is no harm to them.
Ken Northridge
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I use two doves in EVERY one of my shows (except walk around)--birthday parties, outdoor campgrounds, restaurants, schools. As long as you are reasonably sure they will not fly away, it should be fine. The more you work with them the more your doves will get used to the situation and be less likely to fly away. Good Luck!
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