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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Comedy Stool Plans (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Ok found this item online and know it's out there someplace. It's the Comedy Dropping Stool Plans. Sitting on a stool the performer turns and the stool drops about 6 inches. when he stands up the poll is sticking up through the stool about 6 inches. I know of the previous version that is out there and it's just too big for what I need. I contacted the site that I found it on and it's no longer in stock there. it's an old gag I know but it fits in with what I do. This stool is one of the smaller drummer's type of stools and can be taken apart and packed for travel. If anyone knows where to get the plans for this please let me know.
Joe C.

P.S. Just to clarify I'm looking for the plans to build this. The ones I saw were dvd plans but either dvd or paper plans will be fine.
thanks again
Joe C
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Oops, sorry. I thought this was a question about fake poop.