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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Instinct by Matthew Mello (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Blindside785
Title: Instinct by Matthew Mello
Effect: Russian Roulette
Format: DVD
Available: Most online magic shops.

Matthew Mello is the Co-Creator of Bullet. One of the bigger yet smaller effects of the year. You thought Bullet was clever, this is very clever and genius. I have used the old Russian Roulette where you had to manipulate or handle the cups in some way. But this is completely hands off giving it a fairness. It is completely gimmickless, impromptu, and practical! Also safe, as long as the magician does what he/she needs to do.

The DVD is professionally done. Nice quality. The DVD has 3 selections "Play All" "Explanations" and "Performances". The teaching was really straight to the point, gave the disclaimer and went on with the what and how to make the prop which is the base and nail which he makes easily in front of you. You did not have to get an A in 3rd grade arts and crafts to be able to make this. All you have should be lying around your house. There are no magnets or funny things you do with it. This is completely UN-GIMMICKED, you do not even have to use the base and nail. The base and nail does add a lot of suspense on the spectator's side. Like if you see in the store someone on the escalator about to miss a step and fall down and it almost happens, peoples initial reactions are going to be, “Oh my god!" You can really expect that type of reaction with a lot more "umph" given that you are adding more suspense to the roulette effect. Just knowing I have a impromptu miracle on my hands whenever I'm at a party or outing keeps me truly satisfied.

Remember, the makeshift base and nail is a prop. It is not even needed. You can use anything you'd like, an egg, dollar bills, pudding. All which can be borrowed. This is completely safe and surefire as long as the performer does what he/she needs to do on the magicians part. Anything can go wrong. You can have a person hold a flag which points down at the cup and says, “The nail is under here " and something can still go wrong. So perform this under extreme care. The method is completely safe so that you can really get to work on your presentation once you get past the know how.

Audience management plays a small part in this effect. You need only a few words to the spectator and the trick can be done in success. Remember this is done at the performer's full responsibility, your doing this at your own will. Master this and be safe with this. It is easy and simple.

BONUS: Matthew Mello includes a bonus effect that is another impromptu miracle. Impulse genius. Matthew gives you the method which is ingenious and I already created something myself with the method that includes 3 bills and 3 spectators and you can tell which bill they have.

I'm giving this my highest recommendation yet. It is practical, looks impossible, completely fair, and something I will actually use in the real world. Very much worth any large amount when it is useable.