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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Title: Accidental Discovery by Tank (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of MagicSanta
Title: Accidental Discovery by Tank
Medium: DVD
Arena: Casual close up card trick
Available: Any shop, distributed by Murphys Magic Supplies

Have you ever seen those teen movies where the ‘gang’ is sitting around, a mist is in the air, and they are talking about things that don’t make much sense or are pretty mundane but at that time everyone thinks it is profound? Maybe you’ve been in those situations yourself, then the next day the song you thought was so great really isn’t and the topic that kept you all going for hours just wasn’t that interesting. I picture this is what it is like at Kenton Kneppers when he has his magic pals over to discuss and do magic. I’m not saying there is any mist in the air there, I’m sure these gents are on the straight and narrow, but I picture someone dropping a card into their lap and no one seeing it and when it is pointed out they all say ‘wow man, that was great….and when you were vague about asking if anyone saw it, those were Wonder Words….wow…let’s get the video camera and get it to market”.

Accidental Discovery is a card trick that was, well, accidentally discovered by Tank and Kenton while messing around with cards. They get full credit for the creation because they published it but it is really something that many, many, magicians have found out for themselves but never felt it worth going forward with. The routine is a person picks a card, it is returned to the deck, then you ask the spectator where they want the card to be found and you find it there….if you miss you ask where they were thinking and find it there after being told. I can’t go deeper than that because I don’t want to tip it but it is pretty obvious. At least it really is a card trick you can do, a step up over lots of other releases by the Kenton Krew.

The production is okay, you can hear everything, well lit, not studio quality but still better than a lot of what is put out. There is not a lot of meat here but if you are a Kenton fan you’ll want to add it to your collection, otherwise you’ll likely make it through life without it and not lose any points at heavens gate. This isn’t bad but it just isn’t really good either, it is just there…..kind of like Oakland, there is no there there.
Review King
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Profile of Review King
Magic Santa, you save evryone a fortune by telling us how it is!
"Of all words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are, "It might have been"

..........John Greenleaf Whittier
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Inner circle
Northern Nevada
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Profile of MagicSanta
Now you know why I use a phony name...don't wanna get punched out.
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Posts R US sold me
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Profile of professorwhut
Who would punch out Santa?
After much soul searching about a signature, I decided not to have one.

TG Pop [aka ProfessorWhut]
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Inner circle
Northern Nevada
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Profile of MagicSanta
I had a seven year old girl flip me off as Santa, I can imagine plenty would hit poor ol' me!
Andy the cardician
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A street named after my dad
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Profile of Andy the cardician

give me a ring if someone is coming after you . . .

Cards never lie