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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Jeff McBride - A Magickal Life (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jeff McBride - A Magickal Life

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An extraordinary documentary exploring the world-famous magician Jeff McBride's quest for real magic.

This DVD features Jeff in performance and takes you into his private world where he and his partner Abigail focus on magickal events and rituals with powerful and ancient roots. Follow them from the bright lights of Las Vegas to Burning Man and discover how magick is alive and present all around us.
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Northern Nevada
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He does burning man? That is the next town over from me and I thought I recalled him liking that. This year a guy hung himself! Human is a beautiful thing.
Mark Rough
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Ivy, Virginia
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I quite like this. I've been lucky enough to sit in those rooms and this reminded me why I did that. Thanks for pointing this out to me. It was among the best few dollars I've spent lately.

I can't imagine it will be terribly popular around here, though. No tricks.

What would Wavy do?