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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Up and down screen/curtain (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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The UK, Portsmouth
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Profile of Sealegs
Hi there folks. I want to be able to quickly and easily lift up a screen/curtain that locks into position so it is self supporting and then be able to be quickly and easily collapsed it down again.

My thoughts are: going with a spiderflex frame. However I want the curtain to be a specific height, so my head shows over the top when the curtain is up and self supporting, and this would mean having to somehow doctor the spiderflex frame which might prove too difficult.

OR: going with the a lazy-tongs/trellis/upright-clothes-horse kid of setup. Seems to me that this would be pretty bulky though.

OR: going with a projector screen kind of set up.

Anyone got any imput I'd be glad to hear it before I start experimenting and spending out the cash.

Cheers Neal
Neal Austin

"The golden rule is that there are no golden rules." G.B. Shaw
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Profile of magicjohn2278
If you can live with them, the easiest way would be two microphone stands with a hook at the top of each to support a rod in the top hem of the curtain.... Just lift it into position, and knock it off afterwards... or were you looking for something a bit more automatic?
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The UK, Portsmouth
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Profile of Sealegs
How can I not have thought of this?

I was looking for something a bit more automatic and I think that was part of the problem to finding the ideal solution which I believe you have just given me. Smile

Thank you John.

Neal Austin

"The golden rule is that there are no golden rules." G.B. Shaw
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The UK, Portsmouth
2597 Posts

Profile of Sealegs
Got a chance to play with a spider flex and as good as they are it became obvious that it wasn't going to suit my needs.

Went the route that John (magicjohn2278) suggested in his post above and, after much ironing, sewing, and even sawing, it works pefectly. What's more as I can use the mic stands of the venues I work at the whole thing easily fits into my prop box so I don't have anything extra to carry.

I wanted to post this because I believe it shows this type of forum at it's best. Magicians genuinely helping magicians.

Thanks again John.

Neal Austin

"The golden rule is that there are no golden rules." G.B. Shaw