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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The little darlings :: Videoing your act :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Billy Whizz
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Plymouth, UK
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How do you feel about people videoing your act. Do you allow it?
The reason I ask is because recently I had a child at a show, really excited, telling her friends everything that was going to happen before it happened during the show. I tried everything I could to try and stop the child, asking her not to spoil it for her friends etc., but nothing worked.
At the end when I was packing up, her mother came up and said hello, and that since doing her daughters party, (I didn't realise I had done this little girls birthday) she had been watching me on video over and over. Which is why she knew what was going to happen. I've never had this before.
I'm now think of asking parents not to video the whole show for this reason. Whats your views?

All the Best, Billy
Andy Wonder
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Auckland, New Zealand
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Billy, we just had a posting on this topic: Parents Videotaping
Andy Wonder, Auckland, New Zealand
Billy Whizz
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Special user
Plymouth, UK
576 Posts

Profile of Billy Whizz
Thanks Andy, that was just before I joined the MC. I'll read up on it now.