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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Penny for your thoughts :: Viewing Mentalism (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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For me, as someone moving into mentalism, the best lesson I've received so far - better than any book or video - was seeing Marc Salem live. The importance of seeing live performances (as opposed to TV performances) cannot be over estimated in my opinion. Here in New York, Monday Night Magic does a great job of bringing live Magic to the masses, but there doesn't seem to be a similar place to view live mentalism performances. When Marc Salem leaves his sold out show on Broadway, we are left stranded. Anyone know of any resources to learn about other Mentalism performances, and does anyone have any brilliant ideas on how to promote more live performances. I for one would go every week if possible to see people like Bob Cassidy perform. What we need is Tuesday Night Mentalism, at least here in Manhattan.
Carl Rheuban
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Malibu, California
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Bill - Right On. Except, we should also do it in Los Angeles. I had the opportunity to see Max Mavin do a full length show here last year. It was nothing like his TV appearances.

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San Antonio, Texas
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Craig Karges has a video of a performance you can get from his website. I bought it for the purpose of seeing a "real" mentalist show and I was satisfied. It's $16 postage paid and runs an hour.

Lee Marelli
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Consider getting one or all three of the Desert Brainstorm Series videos performed by the professional members of the 6 1/2. You will see a variety of performing styles from some of the top mentalists. These were shot before a live audience. This will give you some food for thought on what type stage character you may wish to develop.

There are live mentalism shows going on, but some are on the road playing colleges, e.g., Kraig Karges, Banachek etc., others are playing clubs and theaters like Kreskin. Then there are others that appear periodically in various cities, e.g., Leviss in the New England area, Professor Krill and Marelli in the Denver Metro Area (plug). In L.A. the Magic Castle periodically has mentalists on their program. It would be great to have a Marc Salem type show playing in every major city, but that's not happening. Maybe you will be the ones to do it for LA and New York.
"Mentalism is a state of mind." Marelli
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milton keynes, england
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I agree with the comments r.e. the Desert Brainstorm series, these videos are great! I love watching them.
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If you are really interrested in real Mentalism, you should, without hesitation buy the Books and the Video of Derren Brown. His work is Out of this world and really Baffling, for LAy people and magicians.

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I've had Pure Effect since it came out. And I'm now pleased to see that it is selling on Ebay for 4 times what I bought it. From a pure practical level, while I enjoy Darren's take on things, I've found books from Bob Cassidy, Richard Busch, Annemann, and Ted Lesley to be more usable than Darren's work. But I am enjoying listening to his radio piece that someone posted here. He is a great performer.