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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Polly wants a cracker... :: Update on Cetis the Ball Python (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of gsidhe
I posted here about my python that was on a long term hunger strike a few months ago. I realized I never updated anyone, so I thought I would take a second.
We took her into the vet a while back to see if he could figure out what was going on. This is a vet that specializes in herps (they have basking lamps installed on the exam tables), and really takes time to go through everything (He even insists on getting pictures of the enclosure to make sure that it is up to par). Our set up passed his inspection, everything environmentally seemed more than adequate, then he got to the snake.
I pulled her out of the bag. He looked and said "She hasn't eaten in how long???"
I said "Close to a year now."
He looked shocked.
Normally when he gets in a snake that hasn't eaten in that long, it is limp and sluggish as a rag doll. Cetis was out having a ball. She was exploring, curling around things, completely relaxed but very active.
He began the exam, which went well, she just let herself be poked and prodded pretty much ignoring the process. Then he went for the mouth exam. For this he had to grab her head.
For those of you that don't know ball pythons all that well...They hate that. they hate ANYTHING touching their head.
It took the three of us to pin her down enough for the vet to be able to do what he had to. Mind you, this is only a 5 foot snake. The vet said he had never had that much trouble with a healthy python, let alone one that hadn't eaten for a year.
To quote the vet "After a year of fasting, your snake is now a little stronger than the average ball python. I can't imagine what she was like before. Some kind of supersnake?"
No parasites, not dehydrated, and certainly not sickly. She got a completely clean bill of health.
But why isn't she eating?
The last meal she ate mauled her face pretty badly (And they already hate things touching their faces). The vet is guessing the problem is psychological. She is scared of her food.
We tried live food (Yes, I know this is horrible, no I didn't want to do it, no it will never be done again) and warmed up frozen rat (Skull cracked, dipped in chicken broth and rubbed on an innocent dove), and we are down to the last resort. I have two more months to make this work, and then she goes back.
We are trying fresh killed gerbil in a paper bag with the snake.
Wish me luck.
At least she is still in very good health.
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Profile of SnakeBabe
I wouldn’t do the bag thing, moving it to a different surrounding cause some stress. Can you offer the gerbil in its cage? Place it in the opening of its Hide at night before lights out or perhaps wiggle it with a long tong?

Hugs and Hissessss,
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Cincinnati, OH
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Profile of freefallillusion1
I have had some degree of success getting baby balls to eat that initial stubborn first meal (which they are notorious for refusing) by using the gerbil in the bag method. Good luck!

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Fort Worth, TX
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Profile of randirain
I had a ball python once.
It didn't eat for over a year too.
I tried everything and it didn't eat.
It still pooped and peed though, and very healthy.
It was a sweet snake, very cool.

But then I had to move and I gave the snake away to a guy that raises them.
He had a farm with all sorts of different kind of snakes.

When I gave it to him...
He said it ate five baby chicks.

I don't know what this means, just thought I would share it with you.

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Profile of gsidhe
Afraid I tried that one Maria, appreciated though. We will be putting the bag in the cage with the snake and the dead gerbil overnight, so at least Cetis will be able to smell familiar surroundings. The Vet said it almost always works because the strong scent in an enclosed area just overpowers them, and they have to eat.
Thanks for the support Phil.
And Randi...I have heard about the chicks working well, but...
I have a hard enough time with rodents. I couldn't do it.
They're just too fluffy and peepy. I like fluffy and peepy.
Heck, I have a hard time killing spiders. I hate spiders.

I'll keep y'all posted.
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Profile of gsidhe
She ate...She finally ate.
The gerbil did it.

I have my sweet friendly snake back.
I am relieved.
Thank you everyone who gave me tips and guidance through this long process. It was appreciated.