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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Polly wants a cracker... :: Producing a crow (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I am keeping a hooded crow (Corvus cornix) as a pet, it is a very intelligent and very friendly bird. I am thinking of using it in my act, I would like to produce it at the end from a bunch of black and white silks. Maybe someone could give me some advice what method could be used (improved dove bag, harness etc.), or where I should look for it. Any advice would be very helpful.
Bob Sanders
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1945 - 2024
Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama
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Profile of Bob Sanders
How unusual! (A few months ago I was contacted by a movie producer who was searching for a common crow that was trained to return to the trainer.)

This type of bird is going to be most comfortable perched. Therefore, I would consider a cover from the top that can be removed without disturbing the bird's feet.

Good luck!

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
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Profile of Regan
Wow! I always wanted a pet crow but never knew where to get one.
Mister Mystery
David Boyd
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That's cool that you have a crow lol ...

Maybe you can use a dove bag as a small example and just.. make a bigger version with heavier material to suit the crow...

How does one get a crow?

David Boyd
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Profile of randirain
I looked into getting a crow, but found out that it was illegal to have one.
That is unless you are resucueing one.

But you can't have them as a pet.

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Profile of Regan
Darn, Randi. Why'd you go and spoil my dream? Smile

Is that a federal law for all states?

Mister Mystery
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Fort Worth, TX
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Profile of randirain
Well, I just googled it and found it...
So I would guess it's a federal...
But I really can't remember.

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Profile of Regan
Well, I have wanted one all my life but I guess it is not going to happen. I actually knew a "Fortune-Teller-Lady" that owned 2 pet crows. They could talk really well. I wanted to get one so badly, but I never knew where or how. They are so intellegent that it's almost scary!

Mister Mystery
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Profile of Mantas
Well, in my country it is not illegal to have a crow as a pet, though in some other European countries it is. I am a big animal lover and country's pet rescue center gave me this crow (it's name is Fazi) because it was used to living with people it would not survive in the wild.

Bob Sanders
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1945 - 2024
Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama
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Profile of Bob Sanders

Congratulations on the rescue.

This old crow needs rescuing from time to time too. Surviving in the wild is scary stuff. Friends are priceless. It's magic to me!

Odd note: I called about owning crows here in Alabama. The response I got was, "I don't know if you can own one as a pet. But it's OK to kill them. There's no limit or closed season."

Somehow, it's scarier now than when we started!

Is there a safe house in Lithuania for magicians? If there is no limit on crows here, I think magicians aren't going to get discriminatory consideration. LOL

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander

PS --- Any except blind birds can be trained to spot a marked cup. Give the spectator the marked cup to cover the object. Then add the other two and let him move them around at will. The bird will find the right cup. (This is an old B.F. Skinner trick.)
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
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Profile of Mantas
thank you for a very good idea, I will try it! My crow loves playing with shiny objects and also sponge balls, I think it is the only crow in the world doing tricks with sponge balls Smile

PS: magicians are doing fine in Lithuania! Smile