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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Performance ideas for Ball and Tube (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Angelo the Magician
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many of you recommend this trick.
The idea seems simple and I remember that about 20 years ago in Austria TV it was performed as a riddle, where spectators should write post-cards with the solution - and many of them solved it.
But on the other hand I read that I read in this forum that there are magicians who made an act out of it which is similiar to an FISM-act.

Okay we all know - performance is all!

So I ask you to give me please some ideas to perform it, handling and patter - ideas, please. Not for children, not for old or tired people - but for critical, intelligent persons, who liked to be entertained, but who also want to detect the method.

Thank you!

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Profile of meyegr
Scienfific - if it is a silver ball and brass tube. Metals expand and contract at different rates.
Hypnotic - make them believe they are 'seeing' something
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Profile of Nicholas
If you own two sets...thereby having two balls to work with instead of just can expand on your moves and create a longer lasting routine. For example, you could do a one in hand and two in pocket type of effect with just the two balls and tube. If you have two balls, you have two tubes as well. You could prep it so, in the end, you could pass the "tube" out for examination and it is found to be solid so that nothing could possibly pass into or through it. Methods can't be revealed here, but you probably get my drift.
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Profile of Mental_Mike
Get Docc Hilfords book on the ball and tube...It explains a way to put people in a trance with it. Very cool book!
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Profile of meyegr
On 2007-05-25 12:11, meyegr wrote:
Scienfific - if it is a silver ball and brass tube. Metals expand and contract at different rates.
Hypnotic - make them believe they are 'seeing' something

Thuferin Thuckitash - I think I said Scienfific Smile
Angelo the Magician
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Profile of Angelo the Magician
Thank you everybody! And a special "thank you" to meyegr for the scientific idea, because it fits - and we know this is very improtant - yes, it fits to my personality. Why do you know that, you are a real magician!!

Angelo the Magician
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Profile of Angelo the Magician
Not "important" but "improtant" - it seems to be the correct answer to "Scienfific" Smile (excuse me, it was a mistake because of fast writing)
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Profile of Conus
Walter Gibson wrote a little book of tricks for the Ball and Tube; it includes a number of presentations.
Angelo the Magician
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Profile of Angelo the Magician
Thank you, but beside the idea of performance (e.g. scientific) does anybody have the experience, if it is better to show the effect only once or depending to the patter to perform it twice (I fear the second time will help to analyze the secret)?

Does a videoclip exist?

Best regards!
