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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Did you hear the latest? :: Lawsuit over secret release (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of Banester
News from abroad. Will be interesting to see where it leads, if anything maybe Cable will be hesitant to release information in the future.

Magicians sue over revealed tricks Tue May 1, 8:11 AM ET

A group of Japanese magicians sued TV broadcasters on Tuesday for revealing closely guarded secrets behind a series of coin tricks, a news report said.

Forty-nine magicians are seeking $16,000 in damages from Nippon Television Network Corp. and TV Asahi Corp. for airing shows last year that revealed how magicians perform tricks involving coins, according to Kyodo News agency.

In a suit filed with the Tokyo District Court, the magicians claim the programs infringed on their common property, Kyodo said.

The broadcasters "instantly deprived professional magicians of their assets," built up through the accumulation of ideas and long-term practice, magician Shintaro Fujiyama was quoted as telling a press conference.

Fujiyama apparently refused to talk in any further detail about the tricks that were exposed.
The art of a magician is to create wonder.
If we live with a sense of wonder, our lives
become filled with joy
-Doug Henning-
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Profile of pantseatflyer
It's about time. People don't realize the time, money and effort put into one's act just to see half of the secrets revealed by some masked man or the media.

The lawsuit could be a double-edged sword in the sense that with media attention to the Art, more reveals could be coming down the pipe. Let's hope not.
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Profile of Arnon
I wonder who their stupid lawyer is. $16,000 is "chump change" for this kind of exposure, and consequential loss of business. The suit is for 1.9m yen which is equivalent to £8,239 or about $16,000. $16,000 only averages $326.53 per magician. I'm sure they could "prove up" losses exceeding that per magician.

Also, I wonder if they have class actions in Japan. If so, an appropriate class action could break the offenders. That would serve them right!

I'm still rooting for them, anyway.
Jonathan Townsend
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Profile of Jonathan Townsend
Beware the currency defacement laws in Japan.

Can you say "sucker" ? all the coins I've dropped here
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Profile of ChristopherM
Hope they win is all I can say.
Justin Style
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Stop it, you're killin' me!

Those guys are FUNNY!

Seriously, THAT'S a GOOD one! Smile Smile
Mo Magic
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Does anyone have a link to video footage. I would like to see what they exposed.

Mo Magic