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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Byrd and Coats' "Magic With Markers" (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
I have known James Coats for a couple of years now and I can honestly say that this dvd set is the best he’s ever produced (excluding the pick-pocketing material). I haven’t seen Bubble Gum Magic but from what I understand it wasn’t B&C’s best work. Hopefully this set will restore their reputation.

As James and Nick state at the beginning of the dvd, all magician’s carry Sharpies. Well, not all but most do. And I don’t know about you but I’m always looking for interesting things to do with markers. This dvd covers a lot of material.

Disc 1 starts out with B&C talking about all the different shapes and sizes of Sharpies on the market and they have obviously done a lot of homework. Different sized Sharpies have different properties and they take advantage of this in some of the routines presented.

The first disc contains mostly variations of older tricks. And they’re good tricks. Basically, what Byrd and Coats have done here is to take existing principles and effects and given them a “Sharpie” spin. There’s a hot rod type effect with Sharpies, a card to Sharpie, a Sharpie vanish, Haunted Sharpie, etc. All of the tricks on this disc are within the reach of most magicians and all of them are practical.

Disc 2 covers more advanced Sharpie work. I really liked this disc a lot. There are some very nice Sharpie vanishes, appearances, color changes and even multiplying sharpies. While some of these effects will require a bit of practice, they aren’t terribly difficult. Restaurant workers and strollers will really appreciate this stuff.

Let’s talk a moment about production quality. Like I said, I haven’t seen Bubble Gum Magic but from what I understand, the production quality was poor. Not so on this set. B&C have really upped the production values from any of their previous releases. The lighting is good, the sound is very good and there is even picture within picture during the explanations so everything is crystal clear. Not only that, but if a gimmick needs to be constructed, there are detailed graphics which show you how to make it. I honestly haven’t seen that sort of detail in a magic dvd before.

Are these effects earth-shattering, gonna rock your world, changing the face of magic as we know it effects? No. But they are solid and, more importantly, practical.

James told me that this project was a labor of love and I think it shows. If you are looking for some interesting things to do with a Sharpie and need to give your imagination a little jump start, pick up this set. I’m sure you’ll find some good value in it.

Not sure if this is out yet but it should be available through dealers very soon.
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Profile of CoinCon
Great review on Byrd and Coats' "Magic with Markers." I noticed on Friday that Hocus Pocus had it on their website along with a video demo. Nick and James, very nice stuff guys. I would have never thought about a DVD on "Sharpie Magic" and don't worry, mine has been ordered and is on its way.

Casey Sullivan
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Profile of Casey Sullivan
It sounds a lot like the Bubblegum DVD. I just saw them. It was embarrassing. Read the review in Magic Mag. He was TOO nice if you ask me. After seeing those they will have to come up with something really great before I would ever trust them again.

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Profile of Devilix
Totally agree with Sullivan. Bubblegum DVD was a shame. Will not trust them anytime soon.
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Profile of CoinCon
I just finished watching Magic with Markers. WOW, big difference in that and Bubble Gum Magic or anything else these guys have done. I have been a fan of Byrd and Coats since meeting them in Chicago years back.

I would say that Magic with Markers is one of the best things they have put out. The content is very useable and easy to understand and filmed very well.

I would give this set a 9.5 out of 10.

The thing I like the most about this set is it starts simple and builds from there, allowing a large assortment of tricks to pull from depending on what style of magicians you are. Great jobs guys!!!

I found this on youtube
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Profile of Majestic12
This is on my list to get. I have been waiting for someone to release a dvd on magic like this. With the glowing reviews here I was suprised a bit, as the bubble gum dvds were a waste IMO.
Marshall Thornside
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Profile of Marshall Thornside
The video demo leaves much to be desired. If that is the best example of material on disc, it does not entice at all.
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in flames
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Profile of in flames
The Bubble gum DVD had me bursting with excitement, then the negative reviews popped my bubble. I don't think that I'll be marking this one on my list.

Thanks for writing the review.
THEGUY26 (Will Swanson)
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Profile of THEGUY26 (Will Swanson)
How many effects are on these discs?
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Profile of FCpreacher
Wow, that looks really ... bad.
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Profile of mfeld
Wow. I just checked out the promo video for this. Thouroughly UNimpressive.

Certainly it is a step up from the bubblegum DVDs in production quality, but many of the effects on teh promovideo are not deceptive at all. If that's the best they have to offer I'd hate to see the rest.
Michael Feldman

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Paul Budd
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It's a shame he's only made
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Profile of Paul Budd
Decent promo......where can we purchase this DVD??
His face isn't really this long in-person!
Once Upon A Magician blog
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis carries it as I'm sure many other online shop do as well.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
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Profile of GarySumpter
Having seen several other B&C Dvds I will not be getting this.

Weak is not the word.
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Profile of davidlai308
I have this and cannot recommend it with high value .

It has some decent effects , but that is what it is , a DVD with decent effects you can do with a marker . Nothing MINDBLOWING .

There are some rutines that can be used as interludes , and if you want just that , I say get this . If not, save you cash ....and leave it for another time .

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Profile of granrose
Has anyone seen the Bubble Sharpie Set? It is out of stock at VanishingInc.
John Granrose
North Yorkshire, UK