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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Believe it or not... :: The Future? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Doug Higley
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Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
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Profile of CJRichard
It seems as much the past as the future.

It was, however, a "state" museum and that might be the real issue. Such an exhibit could be deemed inappropriate in that it would seem to bear the official stamp of approval from a governmental body.

At a private institution, it might still be controversial with regard to that society's beliefs, but it might have been allowed to continue. And it did mention a three-month exhibit last year that seems not to have been closed down.
"You know some of you are laughin', but there's people here tryin' to learn. . ." -Pop Haydn

"I know of no other art that proclaims itself 'easy to do.'" -Master Payne

Ezekiel the Green
Todd Robbins
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Yup, the future is here. Unfortuntely, what happens in Kuala Lampur...doesn't stay in Kuala Lampur.

There will be more and more people deciding what is 'right' for others to see and hear and exhibit in the future.

I am not a political person. I don't think one side is better or worse than the other.

So, I don't think one side will be better than the other when it comes to protect our right to show what we want to whomever we want.

People think the right is bad, but let us not forget it was Tipper Gore that was running those lovely hearings in the 1980s.
Doug Higley
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1942 - 2022
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It's not Politics or is the allowance of stupidity by those who know better.
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
Todd Robbins
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New York
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Yes, there is no shortage of stupidity in our world. It is ironic in there is more information available these days than ever before, but knowledge is a rare thing.
Doug Higley
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1942 - 2022
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Profile of Doug Higley,2933,266203,00.html

Once the Ghosts are gone and there are no Mermaids or ANYTHING left to question...there is the above.

cut and paste
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
The Hitchhiker
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Doug the Link takes me to a serial killers story, and the last one not found.
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Profile of CJRichard
I think it was supposed to take you to a "serial killers" story. Doug, I think, is trying to say that a government than bans zibits in state museums is a government that will allow killers to go free.

I think it's a bit of a stretch, but Doug is entitled to his opinion.
"You know some of you are laughin', but there's people here tryin' to learn. . ." -Pop Haydn

"I know of no other art that proclaims itself 'easy to do.'" -Master Payne

Ezekiel the Green
Doug Higley
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1942 - 2022
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Profile of Doug Higley
Why do you feel the need to explain what I'm 'trying' to say? I said nothing of a Government. I write thoughtfully enough to answer questions.

You will notice that the same term (excuse) is used to close the exhibit and to allow the Serial Killers to go free.

"accused the exhibition of being un-Islamic'

and the victims of the killers were 'engaging in un-Islamic activities'

I see no stretch at all...just a straight line from an initial success of brow beating to a final control situation under actual imposed law.

Notice the killers were convicted 5 times but the 'terminology' made it both stories.

That was my link. Stretch it all you want.
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
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Profile of CJRichard
I apologise, Doug.

Hitchhiker wondered why the second link was taking him to a story on what Fox News called "serial killers."

The title of your thread, Doug, implies that these two stories indicate a future trend of some sort. They actually reflect a human reality that has been with us since the beginning of time--the views that "our way is best" and "it's my way or the highway." It doesn't matter if "our way" is Democracy, Monarchy, Capitalism, Communism, Christianity, Islam, Creationism, Evolution, Rock and Roll, Country and Western, Tastes Good or Less Filling.

The idea that people want to exercise a measure of control to help preserve the things they deeply believe in is nothing new.

You're just ****ed 'cause they banned zibits! Smile

"You know some of you are laughin', but there's people here tryin' to learn. . ." -Pop Haydn

"I know of no other art that proclaims itself 'easy to do.'" -Master Payne

Ezekiel the Green
Doug Higley
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1942 - 2022
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NO...not really...I'm just ****sed because they are being allowed to get away with it...catered to and offered credibility and we seem fresh out of Churchills. Smile
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
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Profile of Kondini
You have far more freedom in the US than we have here in the UK,and that is looking at just about every aspect of our lives.
The illusion is, and will forever be >>>> To control the masses freedom giving them the belief that they control themselves.

The thing to remember is those we think we have put into power as our representatives have one concern only,,,,themselves.

The answer is to use the dictators to your own advantage,,,,flim flam,,,,claim that the real exhibits are fake! and the fakes are real, complicate the whole system of everything and turn everything on its head!!!!

As an example >>>> Crop Circles,,,,started by us,,,,we told the truth,,,but we were downcried and told it was definately Aliens,,, so OK,,,twits, I am an Alien,,,see the F****** world is daft.

BTW Got four different crop patterns planned for this year, they may make the next edition of Crop Circle around August,,,,if I am right, I will be castigated in print by the "experts" for the fifth time.

Sorry started to ramble!!
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Profile of Sabrina
I agree with everyone's assessment except, perhaps, Mr. CJ Richard if he thinks it is a stretch from point A to B. Mr. Robbins expressed it perfectly. Monumental information access doesn't require actual rational thought to exist. I recall an article that suggested the two are inversely proportional if you can imagine that!

The real question is could this happen in the so-called free US?
Harley Newman
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Rational thought? I heard of it once. The speaker was schizophrenic, and wanted to speak in hyphens. (I think he'd heard of rationality from his shrink.) He could figure out the pauses, but not what they should have been pauses between.

I don't believe anybody who's trying to convince me they're right. I always ask myself, "What are they getting out of being right?" and "What are they getting out of trying to convince me they're right?"

The inverse proportion is true. Just ask anybody who's spent any significant time in front of an audience. The more there are, the less capable they are of independent thought.

If you know that, and choose a dishonest profession like politics or much religion (as opposed to show business), you can get elected president, just by scaring people. The more, the scarier!
“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus” -Mark Twain
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Dallas, Texas
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Profile of Sabrina
Interesting quote from Justice William O. Douglas:

"As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."

Hermann Goering:

"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." (quote verified at
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Profile of Brane
I'm deciding that the 'average' person is - literally - in a fairly deep trance most of the time. It's more or less natural; active consciousness is not necessarily required for much of many people's modern daily lives. It is to the advantage of some that the general population BE a bit dazed and distracted. It makes us easier to control.
Advertising is a perfect example. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum politics. Always the drumbeat of violence or threats of violence to create fear. Hours of daily televised trivia, soft porn, advertising and further violence real and artificial. Comforting, soothing, approved religion - or else, in many places!
A few quiet minutes with a Doug Higley Zibit or a moment of magic creating stunned awe at some impossible occurence that just occurred. Something that makes us REALLY laugh. Or cry. Or wonder. Or question.
THESE are the things that may arouse us - and others - from our trances for a while. To present the unexpected. The demonstrate the impossible. To show the unbelievable. To cause someone to question their reality. I see that as an honorable goal . . .
If these brief moments happen often enough, there is the possibility of NEW thoughts. Of change.
There, I've said it! I feel SOOO much better now . . . .
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Virginia, USA
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Profile of Brane
What a great bunch of thinking! The man who tried to talk in hyphens - but didn't know what they should be pauses between!
Sounds exactly like a thought from J. Krishnamurti: "Reality is the sapce between two thoughts."
Three or four people who demonstrably THINK! All on the same page! What a rare gem . . .