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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The spooky, the mysterious...the bizarre! :: [Preliminary Review] Bloody Stigmata (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of spidey_ak
This is a preliminary review of the Bloody Stigmata; as I work more on presentation and actually try it, I will write a final review. The results are 1-13, with 1 being the best...

Ease of setup/use: 2-13 depending on version. Without giving out the effect, Robertson made good on his word and provided many different versions of the same effect. Regardless of method, all are easy to setup and use; however, not all are equally accessible. One method in particular takes the mind of Sherlock Holmes with the luck of Herbie the Love Bug.

Ending Clean: 5. You do not end the most clean on this... I mean, given the effect, there's bound to be a little blood, but, in relation to the ability of the spectator to view your hands, most of them leave a little bit of clean up before inspection.

Preliminary Spec Effect: 1. I showed a quick presentation to my wife, who is my partner in crime (she graciously designs & builds my props!) & she was very impressed. Her reaction was one of surprise... and of course, she wanted to see up my sleeves; however, other than the aforementioned necessary cleaning, which she did not notice, I was good to go.

The eBook: 2. The eBook is an easy read with clear instructions and a few helping photographs. Although I would have liked a little more photos, they are adequate to demonstrate his points. Overall, I really enjoyed the eBook. It would have received a 1 but for the few (very few) typographical errors.

Overall Rating: 1. With practice and proper misdirection, which is not too difficult, I believe this will be a very powerful, effective and, more importantly, simple addition to many acts, whether bizarre or street. The spectators may show mild reaction to outright panic, depending on personality. I would definitely excercise caution in performing this for certain people. I will be combining this with two other effects to create what I hope to be a SUPER powerful ending: 1) Stigmata by Wayne Houchin & 2) Electric Touch by Yigal Mesika.

Note: My overall rating is not based on the mean or average of the above scores, it is, rather, a true overall impression that, hopefully, completes the picture painted above.
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Profile of Destiny
I agree with your summation Spidey_ak.

Received it last night and think it's well worth the money.

Dr Spektor
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Hello all

Well, this book really has some great ideas in it! Plus, you can give the blood of the stigmata to a scientist to analyzeand it will be human blood... yep HUMAN BLOOD.

The method uses a gimmick used as a device outside the field of magic - first used here as far as I can tell...

Yes, the video is true - and even if you saw the "beginning" before the shoot - you would likely see a normal looking hand suddenly sprout a cut with red blood oozing... you can take your finger and touch the cut and show real blood... in fact... more blood starts oozing from the cut....

A few other methods are described... all very cool.

One small beef - 2 of the 4 methods are based on other published methodologies that the author has cleverly used for stigmata effects - however, unless you own or know the methods, you will have to go buy them - still, great innovative use of them... but marketing maybe could say "4 Original Effects, 2 Innovative Stigmata based on published effects..." (Not a big deal, but I had to find something to balance the review so you won't think I just gush bloody praise (OUCH OUCH OUCH) (yeah, well, that was me getting ready to do 3 stigmata))...

The other techniques are really fun as well - my favourite being the Tears of Blood - I wonder why I didn't think of it - but once you read it... you'll be going "gosh, why didn't I think of that"... and get ready for some Halloweenish fun... although I think this is really for performers who don't mind FREAKIN' THEIR AUDIENCE OUT....

Bravo to Bob!

I was happy to be a fool parted with his money - as I think the fools are those who didn't get in on this in time... IMHO....

Bloody good! (OUCH)

Dr S
"They are lean and athirst!!!!"
Tony Webs
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Quote Tony Webs
'A fool and his money is EASILY parted, just send me a PM and I'll get you started', well I see many did not easily part with their money and for those that did it reads good. Is the 'Tears of Blood' similar to 'tears of diablos'?
Still would like to see a longer clearer intro on the video that visualy promotes this as I hope this effect to start off as a visual sensation for my audience.
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Profile of spidey_ak
Tony, I can say that you can show your hand for as long as you like, or for as little time as you like =).

I am working on getting something to work on one of the methods, which will produce very life-like blood. However, several of them will work well, and, with the right approach, leave the audience wondering, because they saw your hands clean moments before!