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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Street Magic :: Approach help for Beginner (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of saltlicker2001
Hey everyone,

I have just recently began to do "street magic" around my town. I usually go out on Tuesday nights and try to do around three tricks per person. It's been fun, but I am still not quite sure how to approach people.

Do I say, "Could I borrow a few minutes to do street magic?"....or should I just start a random conversation and incorporate magic w/o words....or etc.?

I'm looking for any advice and am very much appreciative of whatever you have to say on this subject and any other words of wisdom regarding street performance.


In Christ,

I Pet 4:2
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Profile of mrunge
Hi Saltlicker2001,

Welcome to the Café! You'll find some really neat people here who will share a lot of magical wisdom with you.

I like the conversational approach myself. If I can strike up a conversation with someone, then they have time. If they don't want to talk, well...they're probably busy.

After a moment or two of talking, I'll ask if they would like to see something fun, interesting, miraculous, magical, etc...and go from there.

Just be careful how you phrase your question. If not, at least make sure you have your running shoes on in case they misunderstand your intentions. After all, there are some weird people out there!

Mark. Smile
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Profile of Jaz
First, keep in mind that when Blaine approached strangers on his show that there were cameras with him and some people wanted to be on film.

Communication, of course, is essential in getting attention.
This may be striking up a conversation or doing some flourishes with coins, cards, a prop levitation or whatever.
Once you have attention you can then ask if them if they want to try something with you or see something cool.
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Northern Nevada
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Profile of MagicSanta
Use the traditional 'street magician' approach:

1. Have production assistant locate 'unsuspecting people on street' to explain the conceipt and have waivers signed.

2. Set up cameras, sound equipment, lighting if needed, and stage 'unsuspecting people on street'.

3. Get out of limo and perform the effect a number of times in hope that one will work.

4. Get back in limo while production assistant thanks 'unsuspecting people on street'.
Michael Taggert
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Profile of Michael Taggert
Saltlicker just walking up to some one and talking to them is a hard road to tread. Instaed try having a quick flasy stunt that will cause people to stop for a brief second then Vebally attract them with call lines that announce your show.
This system works. try it it may work for you
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Profile of JoeJoe
I used to pitch magic at a flea market ... every morning I would walk the length of the market, all the way down to the food court where I would order an egg sandwich. Along the way, I would naturally greet the other vendors ...

"hi" ... "hi" ... "how you doing" ... "how you doing" ... "hey there" ... "hey"

After a while of doing this, I began to realize that neither myself nor the person I was greeting were actually paying each other any attention. I mean, I would ask a guy how he's doing, and his response was to ask me how I'm doing without either one of us actually answering each others questions - it was one of those major "DUH" moments.

From then on, I began to make an effort to greet people in such a way that they would pay me attention. I was louder, more direct, head up when I spoke, eye contact, I began looking for ways to be more effective when I greeted people.

And I must confess, it has greatly helped me in approaching people with magic. If you want to be a better magician, then I suggest you walk around and greet everyone you pass ... weather you know them or not. Don't worry about showing them magic, just focus on learning how to greet people. Learn how to crawl before you try to walk - just learn to say "hi" in a such a way that they take notice of you and not just respond with a mindless response.

There was a timeshare pitchman that worked the Landing next to me ... he had an uncanny ability to greet people. He held out his hand (as to shake yours) and just said "hey" in such a way that you would sware you knew this guy and were embarrased that you forgot who he was ... very few people didn't shake his hand.

Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=]
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Profile of saltlicker2001
Thank you all for the advice so will definitley be noted and applied.

JoeJoe - that's amazing. You're right...I definitely do need to learn to just greet people even without the intent of magic...that concept is just like an illusion: simple but incredibly effective.

I have a friend who truly desires to value people..that's been his heart's desire and prayers for value people, not just live in the same world as true.

I Pet 4:2
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Profile of state
I always have my best friend and or my brother with me. I perform some flashy effects with fire or bright colored silks to them like they are strangers. That usually gets the attention of people passing by. The ones who want to see magic will stop and watch. The added bonus is you have partners for stooges and security.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
On 2007-02-27 17:34, MagicSanta wrote:
Use the traditional 'street magician' approach:

1. Have production assistant locate 'unsuspecting people on street' to explain the conceipt and have waivers signed.

2. Set up cameras, sound equipment, lighting if needed, and stage 'unsuspecting people on street'.

3. Get out of limo and perform the effect a number of times in hope that one will work.

4. Get back in limo while production assistant thanks 'unsuspecting people on street'.

As truthfull a post has ever been in this section I will say.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell