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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Up in smoke! :: Flash paper Cigarette / Cigar to carrot stick? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jim Poor
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Fairfax, VA
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I was just daydreaming in the shower and thought of this for an anti-smoking campaign, or maybe some other gag type routine. Don't think it would be a good idea for a spectator to have it when it lights though.

Has it been done?

Vinnie Laraway
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Jim, I assume what you mean is to take a carrot stick and just wrap the flash paper around it to make it look like a cig?

Well, if so, theres a cool little quickie you can do with that, provided it is good enough looking to pass for a cig.. You show the 'cig' and explain that you used to smoke, but eventually quit.. Explaine that you have tried everything; the patch, the gum, the hypnosis, the acupuncture, etc... Next you pull out the 'cig' and ask the audience if they know of sure fire ways to quit.. You explain that as crazy as it is, you just (now light th flash paper) eat a lot of carrots..

I don't know, just play around with the idea..