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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: Weapons Of The Card Shark Volume 1 And 2. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of bishthemagish
Weapons Of The Card Shark Volume 1 And 2.

DVD’s produced by Expert Magic, Featuring Jeff Wessmiller. Please understand that this is not a review because I consider Jeff Wessmiller a friend and a fellow student of Erdnase. As a fan of card magic and cheating techniques. And that I am always interested in magicians that can “DO” this kind of material and always on the lookout for more ideas to increase my knowledge and perhaps find something useful that I can use.

I found both the DVD’s very good - in my opinion great.

First of all let me make some comments about Jeff Wessmiller himself. Jeff on the DVD’s is a very warm and likeable fellow. He basically shows the viewer some great stuff in a very pleasant and open way. Jeff Wessmiller does this with class and has a very easy and relaxed manor in the way that he presents the material.

Weapons Of The Card Shark Volume 1.

Now lets get down to it, the moves. False shuffles, false cuts - done and explained very well. I was pleased to see Jeff demonstrate and teach the old Erdnase stacking method here. It shows that he is a student of Erdnase and the Erdnase methods still work and are practical today. Controlling the top and bottom cards, classic pass or shifts, false dealing of seconds and bottoms. And More! This could keep any new or intermediate student of card magic busy for quite some time.

One of the other things I did enjoy seeing was the deck switch that ways used in the movie the “Sting.” This was fully explained and nice to see again. This video also has some new ideas and material that was worked out by Jeff Wessmiller. I found the video very good and have watched it several times.

Weapons Of The Card Shark Volume 2.

I liked this a little better because it is like that with this DVD you are getting to session with Jeff Wessmiller and he shows you some great stuff. The moves are more advanced and he has a neat thing added to this DVD. And that is that at the end they play a “safe” or a “mock” Texas holdem poker game and he does some of the moves in action. Very cool.

The Moves. More advanced false shuffles and false cuts. More attention to detail as Jeff in a very friendly way takes us through each move. I liked the section on cold decking (deck switching). And he gives us his own method of deck switching that I think is worth the price of the DVD by itself. And his own method of doing a table pass (shift) called the deep palm pass. Very well done. This DVD will keep most magicians interested in card magic and cheating techniques very busy.

Of course these DVD’s have a disclaimer that states that they are to be used for education and entertainment only and the ideas are not to be used in a real game.

Great job Jeff Wessmiller and Expert Magic for a job well done!
Glenn Bishop Cardician

Producer of the DVD Punch Deal Pro

Publisher of Glenn Bishop's Ace Cutting And Block Transfer Triumphs
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Profile of navysteel0101
I would also like to agree , jeff has taught me a great deal with his first DVD and I will be getting his second dvd as a christmas gift and I am looking forward to devoiding as much time to his second as I did his first , I have studied everything the first dvd has to offer and can now say that his first dvd brought me from a newbie to an intermeditae lover of card cheating methods, I also think jeff should do one more dvd and make it the card cheats trillogy thanks for the semi review of the dvds
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Profile of mark1991
Hi there,

I have the weapons of a cardshark DVD, but I can't find volume two. I think they have been combined into one DVD. Is this true? If not, where can I find the seperate volumes?

Many thanks

Magical Mark Watson

Magical Mark Watson - Christian magician, juggler, puppeteer, all-round entertainer and lover of Christ!
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Profile of korttihai_82
I have to seriously disagree with the above posters... If you have any sort of knowledge on card handling you will regret if you get these cos you pretty much know everything allready and it doesn't take much to do it also better than demonstrated.

Well, complaints aren't going anywhere if there isn't reasons behind em so I try to mention few.

Most stuff on these videos just wont get you around anywhere in even most home games if people know anything about playing cards. Who plays 5 card stud poker these days??? No one, its pretty much 7 card Hold em everywhere. The teqniques demostrated can be applied to hold em partially but they just wont fly by if people aren't drunk as hell or blind and deth.

Also the tegnical skills of the author leaves A LOT to be desired, to be honest, its mainly from bad to awful. Bottom deal with HUGE finger flashes, greek deals with same problem and huge rythm changes, palming and switching cards with half the card sticking out from palm before and after the switch. Push thru shuffle with the deck going allmost full X shape for going thru, erdnase one handed shift with so much movement and sound even with cover it can be seen across the huge hall...

I could keep up with this a lot but I don't see no real reason. I know a ton of people who do all this stuff so much better than it is seen on video, I do it much better and I havent even specialized in this sort of stuff althought I consider myself to be rather knowledgeable at least on the level of the published material goes. I really would like to someone to really make deffinite serie on card shark stuff but so far Steve Fortes and Richard Turners tapes from 80´s are far to be surpassed. If you allready know and own those but want something that teaches stuff on video format get Simon Lovell old serie (name escapes me at the moment) or fernando keops (poor as well but better than nothing)
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Profile of willmorton
I have to agree to some extent with korttihai_82, I was very disappointed with the DVD. Most of the time it felt like I was flicking through a book rather than reading it.
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Profile of magician8
I'm getting weapons of the card shark vol 1. I already know how to bottom,second deal and do most of the things, but was looking for an improvement in my techniques.It should arrive on sunday. Will I learn something new or am I just wasting my money? Anyway,i am really looking forward to see it.
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Profile of ShawnMilo
I bought this last year. In my opinion, Jeff looks very uncomfortable on camera and is not smooth with a lot of the things he proposes to teach.

Maybe he has gotten better since then, and maybe he was just nervous on the first video. But from the looks of volume one, he was not ready to put out a teaching DVD.

Based on these things, I definitely recommend that nobody buys the first DVD. Spend your money on something with unanimous good reviews.

Hopefully nobody will take this as me trashing Jeff. I don't know him, and I don't know how long he has been in magic. I just think this particular DVD is a waste of money.
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Profile of magician8
I got the dvd and I was really disappointed, Jeff does everything ok, but the moves are very basic and I wouldn't recommend to anyone with a good knowledge of cards, however, I don't have the second dvd buti've been told it's great and better than the first one.