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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magical equations :: New World Record for Pi memorization-100,000 digits (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Larry Barnowsky
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Posted: Oct 5, 2006 1:14pm
And the guy who came in second with 99,999 digits can't remember how he lost. Smile
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St. Louis, MO
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Profile of stanalger
I can recite over 100000000 digits of pi
in less than one minute.

(Lest there be any confusion, I recite
decimal digits of pi...but
100000000 is a binary number.)

I hope the Guinness folks give this guy his due.

Scott Cram
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On 2006-10-05 13:28, stanalger wrote:
I can recite over 100000000 digits of pi
in less than one minute.

(Lest there be any confusion, I recite
decimal digits of pi...but
100000000 is a binary number.)

I hope the Guinness folks give this guy his due.


I like the way you think, Stan!

The article mentions that Akira recited 83,431 in 1995. I linked to an article last year (which is no longer available) in which the same guy recited the same amount of digits in 2005. Does anybody know if he simply repeated his feat from 1995?

Also, why didn't he simply arrange for the Guiness People to come and see this feat personally? Sure, you may not be able to arrange a meeting with the Guiness staff too quickly, but if I'd taken the time to memorize Pi to 100,000 places, I could wait 6 months, a year or even longer for the Guiness judges to get to me!
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St. Louis, MO
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Profile of stanalger
Perhaps he doesn't care about the Guinness record book.
It certainly ain't what it used to be. (More pictures, fewer
Do the new editions even include a "pi memorization" category?
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Allen, TX
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Profile of bradymc
I watched a documentary on the Discovery channel about a math genius from Europe who was invited to a college in California to have his extreme mathematical calculating abilities tested. He recited 250,000 decimal places in about 5 hours. Anybody know his name?
Brady McCain
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Nir Dahan
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On 2006-10-05 13:28, stanalger wrote:
I can recite over 100000000 digits of pi
in less than one minute.

(Lest there be any confusion, I recite
decimal digits of pi...but
100000000 is a binary number.)

I hope the Guinness folks give this guy his due.


Stan I can also recite this amount of digits in pi and even more. but not necessarily in order...
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Profile of Gianni
On 2007-01-15 14:56, bradymc wrote:
I watched a documentary on the Discovery channel about a math genius from Europe who was invited to a college in California to have his extreme mathematical calculating abilities tested. He recited 250,000 decimal places in about 5 hours. Anybody know his name?

I think this is the fellow who was profiled on 60 Minutes this past Sunday. He is from England, and his name is Daniel Tammet. He is referred to as the "Brain Man."

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St. Louis, MO
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Yes, the Discovery channel aired a documentary on Daniel Tammet
and 60 Minutes did a story on him this past Sunday.

But Tammet only (!) memorized 22,000 or so digits of pi.
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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of MagiClyde
Tammet didn't memorize the digits, he did the calculations in his head as he went! He, like the real Rain Man, is a savant.
Magic! The quicker picker-upper!
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St. Louis, MO
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You are mistaken. Did you see the documentary?...or the 60 Minutes piece?
Nobody could calculate 22,000 digits of pi mentally.
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Profile of Gianni
I agree with Stanalger. The comments made in the profile supported the fact that the numbers were memorized, not computed. Presumably, if someone could compute out to 22,000 digits, the likelihood is that they could compute to infinity, and so Tammet would never have to stop unless his body gave out.

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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of MagiClyde
Yes, I saw the documentary. He was tested and found to be a high level savant or that he had a form of autism that he managed to develop enough social skills to be somewhat "invisible" in normal society. In fact, if I am not mistaken, he actually met Rain Man at some point during the documentary.

As for the 60 minutes piece, no, I did not see that until now. I find it interesting that the CBS news link refers to him a savant. In playing the piece, you are correct. He did memorize it. An incredible feat in anyone's book. But he also do rapid calculations in his head. That, too, is mentioned and shown in the video. So it appears that we were both right.
Magic! The quicker picker-upper!
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Profile of simquad
I can do 55 decimal places, I'm quite happy with that Smile
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Profile of airship
I can only recite pi to 15 digits, but I find it works well enough to get me from one planet to another.
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Harry Lorayne
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I know it's an old post, but just saw it. There is another thread where one of the posters jumped on me for plugging my books - that happened when I looked through a bunch of emails looking for something having to do with pi. I found that one. In it the emailer mentions a book of mine that's OVER 50 years old, that I don't receive a penny for sales (long story), etc. I just didn't want to edit his email. So, I'll take a chance that the "screamer" will get all upset again re: me plugging my books (which, of course, is none of his business) and try to copy/paste that email here. I think it fits. Best - HARRY LORAYNE.
Hi: I wanted to find just one, of the many, emails (along with letters and etc.) that I've received over the years, from people all over the world, re: pi and long numbers in general. I found this one first. I'm a lousy computer person, so I hope I was able to copy/paste some of it properly. I think it answers some of the questions above re: pi and, again, long numbers in general. Re: the "backwards" concept - check out the onhe-hour memory piece I do in front of a "lay" audience on Vol. 4 of my DVD set - I believe I do some of the numbers (populations) backwards and forwards. Anyway, I'll try to copy/paste that email below. Best - HL.

Dear Mr. Lorayne: iam a 19 year old guy who is interested in memorising the value of pi upto 50000 I hav memorised it upto 10000 places. I hav no hesitation to say that you really changed my life.ur book How to devolep a super power memory changed me into a genius.Infact you r like an icon to me.i want to know more about your books and products

hope you will care.........

