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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Gaffed & Funky :: Ghost Gaff Card Box Help (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Logan
Dearest members of the Café,

Several months ago, on a night out with the boys, I lost my ghost deck. But that wasn't the saddest part. The saddest and most painful part, was that the deck was inside the Ghost Gaff Deck Card Case! I had just discovered how powerful an effect it was and I was slaughtering everyone with it prior to the incident!

I thought to myself, that I can just go and buy another set, but paying $20+ for another set is not something I'm prepared to do as I still have almost all the gaff cards, except the gaff card case and the Ghost Bicycle Card Box Cover Card - these were lost that night. If I buy a new set, what am I to do with the gaff cards? It's an impractical and uneconimic solution.

So, I wish to ask for a little help, from anyone who perhaps has an extra Ghost Gaff Deck Card Case or someone who doesn't happen to use his/her Ghost Gaff Deck Card Case.

I know many of you, who have the Ghost Gaff Deck Card Case, know how powerful an effect it is, so I'm not really expecting much, but I thought I might as well give it a try.

I will be glad to pay a small fee for the card case and of course, for the shipping via Paypal.

So if you think you can help, please PM me and let me know.

Thanks and I apologise for taking up anyone's time.

Take care guys and take care of your gaff decks too!

You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal.

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Profile of SleepingJag
Get yourself a new Gaff Deck and sell the cards indiviually on E-Bay maybe?
Bethea Baker
The Price of Freedom isn't free
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The Lunatic Fringe
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Profile of SeaDawg
Or perhaps build a small travelling kit with some of the effects...
I know I am in the process of building a small kit that I can take with me.
You would be amzed at what can happen when called on to do a small impromptu show. Often the bookings that result off set doing a "freebie" request.

Whenver I get called on to snap a quick set I make sure that everyone knows the kind of bookings I do. They got some free amazement and I get some quality promo... Works for me
Crazy people take the psycho-path thru the forest...