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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The tricks are on me! :: Senior centers (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
George Ledo
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Profile of George Ledo
Don't know how many of you are familiar with these... they are basically "clubs" for senior citizens, places to hang out during the day and take classes and do stuff. A lot of these are run by local recreation and park departments, which means they are civic agencies instead of run privately, and depend a lot on volunteers.

I'm only mentioning this because I happened to be in one yesterday. What I saw was very active seniors laughing, dancing, taking exercise classes, and so forth. Not a nursing home atmosphere at all.

Might be interesting to see how some of these respond to a volunteer show, like maybe during lunch or after a dance class.
That's our departed buddy Burt, aka The Great Burtini, doing his famous Cups and Mice routine

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Rodney Palmer
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George, I would encourage you to do this show. Seniors will love your show. Remember we will be seniors one day and would it not be grand to have a magician come in and perform for us. Someting new, instead of cards games and music. I have been doing this for years and now these centers pay me, although not much but enough for food and gas and some time. What I am trying to do is set a precedent for when I get older. Plus I love the seniors. I also do shows for the mentally/physically challenged and it makes their day. Sometimes the seniors are worse than children always asking when is the magician coming. I get so much joy out of these types of performances.

Rodney Palmer
"Creating Memories That Last A Lifetime"

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George Ledo
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SF Bay Area
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Profile of George Ledo
Thanks for your comments, Rodney. If I were still performing, I'd love to offer my services to a few of these places... they just look like so much fun!

And like you said, one of these days we'll be in the audience too! Smile
That's our departed buddy Burt, aka The Great Burtini, doing his famous Cups and Mice routine

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Profile of Jondalawyer
Senior Centers are a great place. They are a great place to try out new routines and to gain experience.

The groups are really appreciative (including the staff members charged with arranging programs) and uncritical.

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Profile of mistermerlin
I have been doing kid shows here in my home town and I am being asked to perform for senior centers here in my area but I keep turning them down as all I have is kid show magic and I have no idea what to use to entertain the seniors. Could someone suggest suitable tricks and how to present the show as I am good with kids and am reluctant to perform for this really adult crowd.
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Profile of ivfour
On 2006-07-10 22:33, mistermerlin wrote:
Could someone suggest suitable tricks and how to present the show as I am good with kids and am reluctant to perform for this really adult crowd.

If I can't change the patter for the trick, I just say I'm a dad and when I practice my own kids and get a couple of people to get and play my kids. Once you have then up with you. SAY - first yes you have to help me and no I'm not paying you. Tell the people, to help me feel at home, ask me a couple of times if I'm done yet and can you go play. (Everyone just laughs it up)

Seniors love all tricks. A magic coloring book is GREAT they love it. Get 3 coloring books and get three people to help you and do a 3 card monte trick.
Kids all know this trick from clowns, but I've had adults stop me after a party and tell they loved that trick.
Jerry Smile