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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: The Saw Review - from Gambit's View :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Gambits Flame
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I ordered this effect for a few reasons. One, it said "Take a piece of thread and saw your own neck with it." Second, it was produced by AOI magic and directed by Rodney Reyes. I had to buy it.

I open up my package and noticed this very busy yet very enticing DVD. The case is cool, entirely black and white which made it spooky, yet made me really want to watch it.

Let me say that after watching this effect performed, I was amazed because it was the first time I actually saw the effect being performed. The video is put together very well. The order is very well done and the teaching is straight forward and to the point.

For the effect. It is genious - story of a performance is the only way to explain.

I was walking to my next performing spot, a bus stop. While walking I set myself up for Saw only a minute before I got to the stop (while walking, I did the set up) When I was there I did a few other body effects and gave this a test ride. I had done Stigmata, Disjointed, and was going to test out Saw, that was my third time during the day.

When the thread was in my neck, the people who weren't watching any magic came to watch, and those who were watching were completely blown away. I was surrounded on all sides. People were freaking out, just like before, but so much more so. Everyone was flipping out and couldn't believe it. When I started to saw out of my neck, I had people run away. I was amazed at how much they were amazed. When I was done, I grabbed my neck to "check for blood" (don't need too, but my addition) and someone walked up to me and said "Yo, bro, I want your autograph, you are going to be famous."

I gave him my autograph and walked into the road where I dissappeared behind a truck.

I give this effect a 10/10 due to it's impossibility, it's genious, and the amazing ness of the effect.
I am nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore, I am perfect.
Tom Cutts
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