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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: From Soup to Nuts :: "Adult Language" In Online Video Demos (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Brian Tanner
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I may or may not catch some heat for this post but, here I go.
Please let me say from the get go that I'm in no way a prude, nor am I the "sensitive type". However I was looking at one of my favorite online dealer's website, and came across an ad for a magic effect.After reading a short description of the trick, I had decided to view the video demo for this effect. In the dealer's defense, there was a disclaimer about the use of adult language in the video.

There was indeed a particular word uttered by one of the spectators in the video, that polite society would certainly deem offensive.(rhymes with truck)

Is this kind of language really necessary to convey the spectator's reaction to the trick they're trying to sell? Heck, I'd buy the trick myself based on the visual aspect alone.I didn't need to hear a 20 something say the "F" word to confirm the strength of the trick presented.

As I stated before, I'm not easily offended. I supposed that I'm more disappointed than anything. Most likely because I've bought from this company before, and have the uttmost respect for them and the service that they provide. It just seems to me that having this video with this kind of language on it kind of "cheapens" them somewhat.

It is my belief that they were going for the realism of the spectator's response.Perhaps that they could have simply bleeped out the word in question.Maybe doing so was even a consideration.It could be that they are trying to appeal to a younger market that doesn't seem to get as offended with this type of word. I don't know.

I guess what I'm saying is that it's my belief that this kind of language isn't necessary on demo videos.Disclaimer or no, I don't like it. I feel that it's offensive to most people, and it's just plain vulgar to have it on the internet for ALL to hear.
Rob Pond
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I completely agree. There is no need for them to ever say Adult Language. When ever I see this, I never buy the trick, because they should at least bleep it. I don't even let people use adult language when I am prefoming for them.
Rob Pond
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Profile of davidpaul$
Thanks Brian for bringing the subject up and I agree. It cheapens the dealer.
It's not something we should ever get used to hearing or just dismiss.
David Paul
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Peter Loughran
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Hi Brian,

Im curious if you are refering to our Rainmaker Demo?

I understand what your concerns are, But I would like to explain our side.

Yes there was a lot of profanity used by the younger group of spectators in the crowd, It would had been just a big mess of bleeps if we went that route, including missing all the screams aswell. We wanted people to see different reactions that you can get from a group of people. Bleeps wouldn't have shown it the reactions properly since most of the screams would also have been bleeped out. I guess when you have a lot of people talking and screaming at once it is hard to censor the reactions while capturing them at the same time.

A disclaimer is there. No one is forcing anyone to watch it. You also have the option to turn your speakers off if you like to avoid hearing it. Normally we wouldn't produce a video with that kind of language, but under the circumstances we decided to leave it the way it was. At least we put up the disclaimer, some movies don't even give you a warning of what you are about to see. I personally feel that as long as the warning is there, there really shouldn't be an issue, because you can then choose not to watch it if you are easily offended. that's the best advice I can give on this subject.

But thank you for your comments, we take this kind of feedback with great respect, I just wanted to let you know why it wasn't bleeped. We first tried it with the bleeps, and a lot of the vocals by others were also lost. And since the rain is hard to see on the low res internet video, we felt that the biggest focus should be on the reactions.

Best wishes,


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Brian Tanner
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Hello Peter,
As a matter of fact, the video I saw was not for Rainmaker. Nor was it anything at all on your site. It was another online dealer entirely. Even though I respect your views as well, I still stand by my opinion that the use of such language does cheapen the moment of magic, along with the video, as well as my personal opinion of the dealer's judgement to include such content in their advertising.

Since you've mentioned a disclaimer, I'm ready to take issue with that too. Yes. I can very easily turn my speakers off. But what's the point ? When most demo videos use the sense of hearing as well as sight to demonstrate their products/effects. You also mentioned that if such language offends me, don't watch the video. That's perfectly fine due to the disclamer, I HAVE been warned. Just remember DON'T WATCH can also mean DON'T BUY !

Peter, I have great respect for you. I also like your products very much. I also appreciate that you as a dealer/manufacturer have come on here to take issue to my original post. Please understand. I've been around the block a few times, and I'm really not easily offended. There's a time and a place for everything. I just don't feel like this type of language is something that we should get used to hearing in ALL aspects of daily life.

Maybe it's just me, (God I hope not)but it seems like acting and speaking trashy is becoming all too common, even accepted these days. Perhaps we really are heading for a "dumbing down" of America.

Peter Loughran
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Hey Brian, Thanks again for your comments.

Like I said earlier I completely understand your concerns. I am not arguing with you. I somewhat agree with you, and I would never "personally" use that language in my show, but I can't stop the spectators from using. I just wanted to explain to you why the language was left in for our particular video.

Your/our Issue about the sound/speakers goes both ways-agreed

I realize you are saying in regards to "don't watch-don't buy", and well perhaps someone who doesn't want to get swearing and people screaming etc as a reaction, shouldn't buy the trick. It is no good if you buy the trick, do it for people, and everyone starts swearing and freaking out. Its obviously going to offend you for example. I wanted to show different reactions in my video that you should expect from performing the trick, I did notice that it was only the younger crowd who were using profanity-Not sure if that means anything or not, probably not.

I am not out to dumb America, heck I don't even live there, Im in Canada...but again I only responded because I wanted to clarify my points as to why the profanity was left in on our video. If doesn't sit well with you, then I appologize, all I can say is don't watch the video, and certainly don't buy the product, because you probably will get people cursing. So really perhaps it isn't a bad thing. It warns the performer how some people may react to a certain type of effect, and perhaps a reaction they want to avoid.

I obviously can't speak for the original video in question, and why they decided to not sensor their video, perhaps they had a good reason, or perhaps not. I have no idea, and I don't even know which video you are talking about.

This is a very interesting Topic! What a great topic to explore Brian! I see a lot of repeat posts and questions on this forum, but this is a great topic. Thanks for bringing it up, and it helps us as a business, that's for sure!

Thanks again,


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Brian Tanner
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Hi Peter,
Thanks again for responding . I do understand your reasons for wanting genuine responses for your demos. It is my belief that we've both made very good points for each side of this discussion.

I still stand by my original reasons, as I know you do too. That's one of the great things about democracy........our ability to disagree on some issues, yet still maintaining a mutual respect for the other's views !

Perhaps it is because we live in a world where technology moves at a blink, and where we're bombarded with such "in your face" realities , and extreme "this", and extreme "that", that people of my age (early to mid 40's) just want to say "Enough!"

Let's face it, our's is the last generation before everything began changing literally overnight. I feel many of us long for the way things were when we were kids. Maybe we all get nostalgic as we get a little

Thanks ,
Peter Loughran
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Hey Brian, Im not far behind you in age actually! Im in my early 30s.

It is bizarre to see how things have changed so fast since we were a kid. I remember riding in the back of a pick up truck was a treat and now its illegal, and how we never had to wear helments when we rode our bikes, and we didn't have things like the interent or cell phones, people wouldn't be able to get a hold of us for a whole day and we were ok with that. Its amazing how life certainly has changed and so rapidly.

But back to the topic, yes we agree to disagree on some points, but I think we also agree on others.

Too bad this wasn't the only problem we had to worry about in these times.


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Profile of DaddyDoodle
Excellent topic. I think you'll find this problem in a lot of entertainment media. I hope this doesn't sound too moralizing or sanctimonious, but the apostle Paul admonished Christians to be in the world but not of the world. That being said, I can see where it certainly makes it hard when the world, as a whole, would rather tell you that it's your responsibility to not listen than take responsibility for exercising a little self-control - and often using gratuitous {insert item here - violence/sex/language/etc.} behavior - simply for 1) shock value; or 2) seeming as though this is how things are. So all this to say, thank you for vocalizing your concern and offense at the disregard for the listener.
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My question is... when they were filming for whatever product you viewed, did they just film one take with one group of people? If so, that's very lazy on their part. Perhaps that was the best reaction of the few takes that they filmed? Who knows. But I agree that foul language should at least be bleeped out - no matter how many bleeps it takes. In the case of the Rainmaker Demo, I would have filmed several other performances to get something that's not a complete bleep through the whole thing but still have a great reaction.

Maybe demos should be filmed with some church kids??? There's no guarantee there either, but you're less likely to capture my day's quota of hearing the F-bomb in 2 minutes. And I'm not directing that at you Peter, but just to those who film these demos in general.
Brady McCain
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Profile of MagiClyde
I'm not a prude either, but find the unnecessary use of vulgarities disturbing.

I am in my upper 40's and the use of such language while growing up was strictly forbidden. When I watched "The Matrix", I was impressed by the graphics, but found the use of obsceneties to be way over the top. It's almost as if a director feels he/she can't make a good film without them. Problem is, they aren't good WITH them!
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I don't feel that the term "Adult Language" is quite right. No "Adult" would use that sort of language in public. Lets call it "Adolecent Language" or something like that. My old college Engligh prof once explained that language of that sort was only used by someone whose vocabulary was small and who could not explain themselves without using such language. Having grown up in times when such language was never heard on television, I am now amazed at the number of stand-up comediens who seem to depend on foul language to get a laugh and who feel that without it their act couldn't be funny. The television entertainers of the "prior to the 70s" genre never had to use "blue" language. The most popular of American comediens i.e. (Jack Benny, Red Skelton, Johnny Carson, etc. ) who have made the most impact never had to resort to foul language.
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Drew Manning
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don't feel that the term "Adult Language" is quite right. No "Adult" would use that sort of language in public. Lets call it "Adolecent Language" or something like that. My old college Engligh prof once explained that language of that sort was only used by someone whose vocabulary was small and who could not explain themselves without using such language.

Funny your English prof said that. My psych prof always said that some times words like shoot and dang it just weren't strong enough to convey your surprise/anger/displeaseure etc Smile

I am pretty open minded and while this type of language doesn't bother me, I don't use in my shows because I never know how the specatators feel about it.
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I too am not offended in hearing words like this from day to day, but I do not believe they have anyplace in a magic performance. (Unless of course it is for an adult comedy club or something).
-- Nancilee N. Jones --
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