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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant :: Andrew Gerard's KEY ACCESSORY (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jamie D. Grant
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as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
2413 Posts

Profile of Jamie D. Grant

What The Audience Sees:

'This week was pretty incredible. Jamie had a really cool story that I won't go into but the end effect was that with the power of my mind, a key bent at my fingertips. Amazing.'

How It Went:

Awesome. We've all seen it- ad copy that states something that appears too good to be true and we, the consumers, end up disappointed and disillusioned. I'm happy to say that this isn't the case with Key Accessory. While the price tag might me a bit high for some, I have to say that if it's something I'll use professionally, then I don't mind paying the price.

I think the key (ha ha) is to make the effect your own. You're not buying any gear here-it's a routine. And it's a routine by a Mentalist, which I'm not. So I changed the patter, developed a story that I'm quite proud of, and made it a Magician's effect. Andrew's moves and methods are sure fire and sound but it's up to us to make it work. And work it did.

I tend to put tricks and effects into different categories. These might include Fun effects, Screaming and Laughing Effects, and Quiet Amazement. For me today, this was met with quiet amazement. I performed it for some pretty big groups (one had over ten people) and once they could see that the key was bent they were pretty silent until someone said, "That's @#$@%^^!% impossible." at which point everyone started talking about it. I ended up going to that same office later and the receptionist told me that people were still talking about it. Exactly what I'm looking for.

Best Lines:

'That's $@#@@$@%^ impossible...'
'That's some Uri Geller going on!' I was pretty impressed that he knew who Uri Geller was.
'I'm stunned.'
'Let Me See That Key!'

Angry Bob Rating:

I have a co-worker (Bob) whose uncle was a magician and thereby has a good working knowledge of how magic works. He's pretty grumpy but likes Magic Friday's because he can tell me how he figured out how the effect is done... A high rating means he'll never figure it out.

5/5. Bob had no idea how it worked. 'How the $%@$ did you do that!' Perfect.

My Rating:

This is going into my set list for walk around work so it's getting high marks. I'm only going to dock it a half point because I feel the effect needs a few keys on hand for the best effect so it's probably not impromptu for me. It could be, but I'll save it for gigs. 9.5/10.

The JDG Tip:

Make sure the key is facing to the outside for the spectator to grip it easily. I also wear elastics on the same hand as a charity bracelet (MAKE POVERTY HISTORY- something I believe strongly in) so that when I'm taking off the elastic, I point out the band. Their reading of it is a good misdirection moment.

Closing Thoughts:

Like I said previously, you need to make this trick (well, all tricks actually) your own. If I tried to do this as a serious mind bender, it wouldn't have worked for me. Discover who you are and go for it!


Jamie D. Grant
TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk