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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant :: Bill Malone's TEST OF STRENGTH from his DVD On The Loose Vol.1 (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jamie D. Grant
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as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
2413 Posts

Profile of Jamie D. Grant

What The Audience Sees:

'This week Jamie showed us a couple of white silks and asked us to help tie them together but whenever they were tied, they immediately came undone!'

How It Went:

Well, not so good I'm afraid. I'm not sure what to say, really. I personally love this routine and I think in the hands of Slydini or Bill, it's probably an absolute miracle. I, however, ran into a couple of snags (literally) and some 'huh' reactions. One group (who usually loves everything I do) said, "That was okay." which is funny because it was the one group where the trick went perfectly. I replied by asking why they didn't think it was the most spectacular thing they ever witnessed since they themselves tied the last knot, and they replied that they thought there was something special about the silks. Hmmmmm. A spec in another group tied some weird knot before I could say anything and a third time I simply couldn't undo a Square knot, so I eventually gave up on the effect.

That's actually the first time I had to shelve an effect halfway through the day but I felt it best in case I ruined the trick for some future magician that might come across my audience.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I have here 2 white silks..."

'No! We hate that trick! Jamie D. Grant (who's usually the most amazing magician on earth) showed us that once and completely $@%@$^^ it up! We hate it!'

Best Lines:

'Are those real?'

Angry Bob Rating:

3/5. He didn't know how I was undoing them when it worked but, once again, I couldn't get a knot out no matter how hard I tried.

My Rating:

1/5. Keep in mind, though, that this is a rating of my performance today. I still love this effect, if I could only figure out how to make it 100%.

The JDG Tip:

My only suggestion is the one Bill gives on the DVD- buy Slydini's book. I haven't and I am obviously missing something important.

Closing Thoughts:

Believe it or knot (ha ha), I'm actually a bit glad I've had a lousy last couple of weeks. It's extremely important to make mistakes and, more importantly, to learn from them. Take note, move on, try again, repeat.


Jamie D. Grant
TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk