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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricks & Effects :: John Cornelius Card System vs. Ireland Card System (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of amakar
I recently started reading about different card systems and memorized decks. How flexible is the John Cornelius Card System compared to the Nikola or the Ireland Card System?

For example, if the Cornelius Card System is based on a card's position rather than the value, how can it accomplish an Estimation / Weighing Cards effect, Do As I Do, or a Think of a Card Revelation?

I think there are some limitations to the Cornelius System vs. other full memorized deck systems since it only provides 1 way derivation
(Position = Card Value but the Card Value indicating position in relation to other cards).

What have experiences have you had with a memorized deck and what system do you recommend?

Risto L.
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Well, there is a difference between a system and a memorized deck. With a system, mathematical formulas or a memorized sentence provides you with the correspondences between the card and its stack number. With a memorized deck no formulas are needed to translate a stack number into a card or vice versa. The memorized deck is simply learned by heart.

I can highly recommend Martin Joyal`s book "The Six-Hour Memorized Deck". It has an excellent overview of several card systems and stacks. And you will of course learn the Joyal Stack.

Alan Jackson
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The "Breakthrough Card System" by Richard Osterlind is excellent. The cards appear to be random, but each one can be worked out from the previous one with virtually no memory work. But you can't work out the card at a particular number. The set up cycles which is a big advantage.
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